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Everything posted by FingersCrossed101

  1. Hi everyone. I've used this forum for a couple months now, and I just wanted to thank everyone for the ongoing information and support provided here, it has helped so much throughout the process. This week, I accepted an offer of admission to George Mason's I/O psychology MA program. I'm extremely excited, and looking forward to it very much. Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted and good luck to all those waiting to hear back from schools! Thanks again everyone!
  2. Got rejections from both PSU and CSU today. Yeesh. Congrats to everyone who has gotten accepted somewhere!
  3. Did anyone else also apply for GMU's Master's program? I'm wait listed for the PhD program but hoping to hear about the Master's soon. Not sure if I'll go even if I get in (because I most likely wouldn't be funded) but it would be nice to know where I stand. So far, I haven't been accepted anywhere, and most schools have already sent out offers/interview invitations. The last school I'm waiting on is Texas A&M, where I interviewed (my only one) but haven't heard back yet. I don't feel great about my odds though, because the other candidates were very qualified. On another note, is anyone here applying for the second time after not having gotten in the first time around? I think that is likely my future, and I'm considered my options for the coming year. For example, do I stay in the lab I'm currently in and try to get more research experience, try to get a relevant job, etc.? I would appreciate any thoughts on how to make myself a more competitive candidate the next time around.
  4. I applied to GMU's PhD program and their Master's. I know they sent out offers for the PhD program, but does anyone know if they have sent out offers for the Master's program yet?
  5. I just want to say thank you for the thoughtful responses to my earlier post about feeling distressed over not being accepted. I appreciate everyone's feedback. I'm currently making a pros and cons list of the different things I could do next year or over the next couple of years. My main choices are continuing in the lab I am currently in and working on research that would give me a poster presentation or publication (of which I have none), getting a job in a related field to gain experience, or going for my master's degree in I/O. It's a lot to think about, but I'm feeling better now that I have made some preliminary plans. Has anyone taken a gap year or years? If so, what did you do to increase your competitiveness? Thanks!
  6. To those of you who have been accepted, congratulations! I am wondering if you had experience conducting independent research, like an honor's thesis or something? I have not been accepted anywhere yet (really upset about it), and I am wondering if not doing independent research hurt me more than I thought it would. I have worked in the research labs at my school for a couple of years and I recently took on an administrative role in addition to running participants, which I thought would boost my CV. I might end up trying to gain independent research during my (forced) gap year. P.S. How are those of you who haven't been accepted anywhere dealing with it? I am feeling extremely sad, but also really embarrassed. I don't have people in my life that will think less of me for it, and yet I can't shake what feels like shame. Is anyone else struggling with this?
  7. Sorry, I should mention that this knowledge sort of came through the grapevine. The grad students knew because the undergrads in their labs have told them that they heard back from these schools. But to be clear, this is secondhand information, I personally was not contacted by any of these schools. Update: I haven't heard from Colorado and they called my friend two days ago. I'm really disappointed about it. I also saw on GradCafe that someone reported getting a phone interview with their POI at Penn State, quite disappointed by that also :( Has anyone heard anything from George Mason yet? Genuinely feel like I'm not going to get in the cycle. Maybe I should start thinking about backup plans.
  8. Michigan State University I had an open house at TAMU, and it was really informal, but I did meet one-on-one with 4/5 professors. It seemed to have a "getting to know you" focus. With that being said, I do think these things are used to narrow the top-candidate pool, so prepare to be asked a lot of questions (and ask your own). Good luck!!
  9. Hi everyone! New to posting, but I've been lurking for a few weeks and I thought I should probably share some info. I applied to: Colorado State, George Mason, Penn State, Rice, TAMU, and Univ of Minnesota. TAMU has already had interviews (I went mid-January, still haven't heard back). I heard from the grad students at TAMU that Rice, Minnesota, and Michigan have all sent out or had interviews. I also know that this week Colorado just started inviting people to interview. I hope I get a call today, but to be honest, I'm not sure if they did all their calling yesterday (my friend got a call) or just this week in general. Hopefully I hear something back from someone. The process is really stressing me out. I really appreciate this resource, though. If anyone has updates on the schools I've applied to, please post them. Thanks :)
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