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Everything posted by muse2019

  1. I definitely see myself taking the activism/nonprofit work route (though I'm not ruling out the possibility of ultimately pursuing traditional ministry), so this is super helpful!!! Thank you! I think Union might be it, especially since I'm really into writing/making theatre and want to include that in my future work in some capacity. No place better than NYC.
  2. Maybe this question warrants a separate thread, but is YDS a decent environment for someone who doesn't (yet) follow any faith traditions? The impression I get is that between HDS and YDS, HDS holds more space for "nones" and YDS is more heavily ecumenical, but I could be off. I got 100% tuition at Yale, Union, and UChicago, and 0 at Harvard. Because of this, I'm pretty close to crossing Harvard off the list entirely, but I'm still thinking over whether it might be worth asking for more money. Right now, I'm leaning heavily towards Union for its location and religious diversity, but also strongly considering YDS. I'm MDiv, by the way.
  3. Same boat; I received full tuition, but the breakdown of all the other expenses has me like ?
  4. Congrats!! Yes, I did, an hour ago.
  5. Oh, NO. I have to admit that I laughed because that's so relatable. I don't think it'll ruin your chance at all--most likely, the professor will assume you just didn't know and/or forget about it. In any case, I don't think it'd be a dealbreaker Especially if your recommendations portray you in a favorable light!! When judging your character, they definitely won't weight one brief e-mail over three detailed letters and an essay.
  6. I wish they'd send out financial aid/scholarship information at the same time as the admission letter. I don't know whether I can let myself celebrate yet! Has anyone already heard from the YDS financial aid office? The letter says, "Shortly following this letter, you will receive an email with the financial scholarship you have been awarded," which seems to imply I got at least a little money, but that could also be a generic line that's just worded weirdly? Guess I'll have to just be patient
  7. Sorry about Yale, but best of luck with Oxford! And Duke MTS sounds like one amazing option to have!
  8. Yale decisions are posted!!
  9. All good options! A wonderful set of choices to have (and congrats on aid! That's so funny that it was just sitting in your spam folder!) I'm also waiting to tour and discern, but right now, I'm leaning heavily towards Union! It feels right intellectually/emotionally and I also love the location.
  10. Ah, neither did I! (For MDiv.) Alas. Are you leaning any particular way between Notre Dame vs. Harvard yet? Congratulations on both!!!!
  11. Gotcha--then this certainly makes my decision easier! ?
  12. Has anyone heard from HDS yet about merit-based aid? The HDS letter said I'd hear within 24 hours if I'd receive any aid, and since I haven't gotten an e-mail yet, I think it's pretty safe to assume I wasn't offered any. This could be a blessing--it certainly narrows down the extremely difficult choice between HDS, UChicago, and Union! (The latter two offered full tuition.) I was definitely hoping to receive a bit of aid, though.
  13. Maybe the universe is just calling you home ? I'm so sorry about the rejection and I can imagine how much it stings after you put so much of yourself into the application. Your work sounds amazing, though, and I don't doubt that this vital and beautiful work will continue to flourish regardless of which divinity school you attend.
  14. I wish you got in, too--I'm sorry about the bad news ? I had 170 V, 161 Q, 4 AW. I was really afraid that the low writing score would hurt me a ton, especially since I'm an English major and so much of my application revolves around literature/writing. And my math score was definitely below the median.
  15. That's incredible!!!!!!! Huge congratulations!!! (And I'm also very relieved about GRE scores not being everything LOL!)
  16. Ohhh, gotcha! Yep, the activism/acedemia struggle is so real. Chicago as a city seems like an incredible place for activism, not to mention the MDiv program itself. And it goes without saying that Harvard is probably excellent for any academic pursuits! Best of luck deciding and keep us posted!!! Even if you end up switching paths, I can see them feeding really well into each other: real-world ministry experience could really enrich academic work and bring philosophy down to earth, and deep study could be excellent prep/underpinnings for activism ? Also, I think I read on this thread that it's possible (and not at all uncommon) for HDS students to switch between MTS and MDiv? That might be a future option for you!
  17. Also, are you leaning any particular way with regards to MTS vs. MDiv? That's really hard!!! (But a happy problem to have!)
  18. Congratulations!! I'm still waiting to hear from the financial aid office from HDS (is this a bad sign?); UChicago and Union are also offering me 100% tuition, so at this point, I'm really crossing my fingers for an HDS scholarship to justify potentially going there! We shall see!
  19. Re: the cross-registering: the fact that HDS is located within a larger university, and thus affords options to also take classes in other fields, is a huge draw for me! Does anyone know if this is possible for Union with Columbia, as well? Really good to hear that HDS is also quite committed to social justice--I've read this, too, and I'm super happy to hear that. I haven't heard of the Arts and Religious Literacy Project! It sounds right up my alley. We seem to share a lot of interests and I hope we cross paths!
  20. Nearly got a heart attack seeing the notification. I got in!!! ?
  21. Like you, I'm also interested in pursuing a "secular ministry" of sorts, especially through arts practice! I don't know much about conflict mediation at all, but I imagine that art and conflict mediation go so wonderfully together--both are acts of outreach and of reconciliation! Your work sounds wonderful and so very necessary, and it seems like it fits in very well with ministry. Best of luck with HDS!!!! I'm a writer, and my work mostly revolves around the arts and incarceration. I've designed and taught a novel writing course in juvenile hall and teach theatre in prison. I honestly have no clue yet in what form I'll continue this "spiritual activism" work (especially since I'm coming straight out of undergrad), but that's exactly why I want to study ministry! I feel it will give me the right skills for whatever path I end up pursuing, whether that be a secular or religious one. I'd love to hear about your focus and your work, too! ? Honestly, it's mostly a location thing for Union/HDS. I'm the biggest Broadway nerd (nearly went into musical theatre writing instead!) and it would be an utter dream come true to study ministry in New York City. It'd be like a way to combine these two callings of mine. And I'm really in love with Union's sharp focus on social justice. As for HDS, I like Harvard and the surrounding area a ton! Where else have you heard back from? What's making you lean towards UChicago/HDS?
  22. This is all so fascinating! I've got to run at the moment--just quickly checking this forum in case anyone's heard back from HDS--but would love to talk more in future. So glad to "meet" another person interested in arts and social justice and ministry.
  23. I'm also eagerly awaiting HDS decisions! I'm thinking they might come out today or tomorrow, as March 12 was a Monday last year ? I got into UChicago MDiv!!! I'm leaning more towards Union (and HDS, if accepted), but am still considering UChicago. Hello, potential cohort member!
  24. Congrats on your acceptance!! MDiv, not 100% sure what exactly that's going to entail for me yet, but I definitely want to continue my work with arts education and justice reform. What about you?
  25. Ooooh, yikes!! Good to know!
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