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Posts posted by hopefulwoolfian

  1. Yeah, I don't know if I could handle the emotional investment of a second round. This whole experience has given me a lot of respect for those people who do it twice (or three) times and eventually get in. I think I'd have a psychotic break if get rejected all-round this time and then reworked all my materials only to be rejected all-round again.

    I'm actually not sure whether I'm having psychotic break right now or not...

    I'm trying to avoid that second-time-around psychotic break. Doesn't help that I'm currently jobless (which did, however, give me the time I needed to perfect these apps) and have no good ideas as to a Plan B if this doesn't happen...

  2. I've been stuck inside sick for the last week, which makes it even worse because I don't have enough to do to distract me. Plus, this is round 2 for me, so everything feels much more scary than last year. Most of my schools don't have results popping up yet (except Pitt, which makes me sad, as it was the best potential chance for my boyfriend and I to go somewhere in common), but I'm still going crazy.

  3. stony brook gives something like 15/16k. the area is probably pretty highly priced to live in since it's on the eastern shore of suffolk county and there's a lot of money around there. stony brook does have some grad apartments though, and they're pretty nice, if you're willing to share (which i wouldn't be). i'm in an MA program now but your list is pretty similar to mine when i reapply to phd's next year-- tufts, maryland, stony brook. a word to the wise with temple: they admit without funding-- OFTEN. i got in last year to their phd and was advised when i asked that there was no money for me. they didn't even say they'd try. brandeis is also in pretty dire straits right now. i got 1/4 of an MA tuition stipend. (i'm not there, that's just what i was offered)

    Thank you so much for the info, JMA!

  4. The only program I have seen that says it wants to see two shorter (5-10 page) writing samples is USC. I think, anywhere else, your chances of being admitted are severely limited if you send two shorter papers simple because, as was said before, longer papers require an entirely different skill set that is much more similar to that which you will need to successfully complete a PhD.

    Also, USC allows you to combine both papers and send in a longer sample if you want. Oxford does the same thing.

  5. Hi all,

    I looked for this in previous topics, but didn't find much. I'm very interested in Loyola Chicago, but I know they only accept 4-5 funded students a year. Does anyone know how many applications they normally get? Or have any other information about their current admissions status? I'm still definitely applying, but just trying to temper my excitement with the reality of acceptance rates.


  6. Hi everyone,

    So I'm working on the dreaded "fit paragraphs" for my SoPs and I'm trying to figure out when pointing out complementary interests starts to ring false. For example, at one university I'm interested in, Professor X talks about subjectivity and time in Woolf. I talk a little bit about subjectivity in Woolf in my thesis, but mainly focus on other elements. I could emphasize that I talk about subjectivity, but I don't feel like that part of my work represents my best abilities. I'm wary of bullshitting too much, but I also want to market myself well. Any ideas?


  7. Hi everyone,

    I'm new here, though I've been reading for a while. I'm currently recovering from a horrible season of 13 rejections and starting to look ahead to 2011. One thing that I really want to try to do this time around is to contact potential future professors at programs before applying, rather than just mentioning them in my SoP. What is the best time to do this? Obviously right now is way too early, as they are dealing with the new incoming class, but is the summer a good time or is it better to wait until pretty close to when apps are due so that they remember me?

    Thanks so much for any advice! This place is extremely helpful and I'm really looking forward to taking part in the community.



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