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Posts posted by CL001

  1. Hi all,

    I thought I shared this with the group: https://www.sigmaxi.org/news/keyed-in/post/keyed-in/2019/03/11/shutdown-story-nsf-graduate-fellowship-program-reviewer%27s-concerns 

    The process this year was a bit different because of the government shutdown, unfortunately it impacted both the reviewers and applicants. 

  2. I agree with all the post above me, it has been a pleasure to connect with everyone! We are all valuable scientist in the community building the knowledge of so many vast topics. I wish everyone the best of luck! Congrats to all of us for getting through this process and submitting a proposal and aims page, that is one of the first steps in our scientific career with many more to come. Congrats to everyone, whooo hooo!!!! 

  3. I think it is a great idea to share our topics, I have been clicking the NSF GRFP refresh button non-stop for a couple days now. I should be working on my research proposal for my comprehensive exam though... 

    My research is centered around herpes simplex virus 1 (cold sore virus). It is a life long infection and cycles between two stages an active and latent stage, during the course of infection it impacts different types of cells. My focus is on looking at the cellular and molecular level how HSV-1 utilizes its viral proteins to hijack the host cellular systems and I will be comparing an infection in epithelial cells, where the active stage occurs, and in neuronal cells, where the latent/quiet phase occurs. 

  4. 1 hour ago, JaneA said:

    I actually applied to the goldwater fellowship back in Undergrad and got honorable mention at the time, so this isn't my first time writing a proposal for a national fellowship. As a second year, this is kind of my last shot at funding this comprehensive for grad school, without having to TA. This is important for me because I found out in February that my PI is retiring this semester due to rapid deterioration of health. I won't have money this summer. So I actually need the money rather than it being just about prestige anymore. My field is pretty specialized, so I don't expect many reviewers to know about it or care about it. Even though I think it's important, I don't think others will because of unfamiliarity. 


    I do appreciate you looking at the bright side, but I'm in an overall shitty position because of the impending retirement, so I can't really see the bright side in my case, especially if I get nothing again.

    Hey JaneA, I'm sorry that obstacle has arose during your second year! Have you tried to look at other internal or external fellowships just in case? Apply for everything you can, https://www.pathwaystoscience.org/grad.aspx. This website helped me a lot to figure out what to apply for. There is also the NIH F31 which I've heard from my colleagues. Internally look at your universities graduate fellowships there are support for dissertation years so you can plan ahead. 

    Will you be switching labs? Try to look for a lab that has funding maybe you can take on a position as a GRA. Don't lose hope! I'm rooting for you! 

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