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Everything posted by jahmal

  1. I did not get an OGS which sucks as I got one last year. The news is only half bad though, as my wife got one. Congrats to her and everyone else who was successful this year!!!
  2. It probably means that they have the results ready to go, but someone in senior management still has to sign off on its release. Ontario government is all about approvals. Either way the wait should not be long now. In any case, the official offers (letters) usually come 2 to 4 weeks after online notification.
  3. I got notification on May 6 th last year, but results had started tricking out a couple days before that. They were not all released at the same time. I would guess results would be out late this week.
  4. Apparently there is a disconnect between the individual online status updates and the lists of successful applicants submitted to the University Graduate Studies Departments. No one can confirm as yet where the real problem is.
  5. PhD 2nd year (completed) - Social Science (208) - Successful
  6. New graduate scholarships The government will award an additional 1,000 students with an Ontario Graduate Scholarship starting next year. This will increase the number of Ontario graduates receiving the award from 2,000 to 3,000 students. http://www.tcu.gov.on.ca/eng/postsecondary/osap.html
  7. Could be the fact that there are 3,000 awards this year (2,000 last year).
  8. jahmal

    SSHRC 2010

    The list of 2010-11 SSHRC funding/ scholarship winners has been released on the SSHRC home page.
  9. jahmal

    SSHRC 2010

    Results were mailed out today. Unfortunately, we can not give out results via e-mail or phone. You should receive your letter shortly.
  10. jahmal

    SSHRC 2010

  11. jahmal

    SSHRC 2010

    "The result letter will be send out this week by mail"
  12. jahmal

    SSHRC 2010

    Call me optimistic, but I have some reservations about those two contrasting timelines you have posted. I much prefer hold on to the "start of May" option, and keep checking my mail anxiously every day until SSHRC send my mail...
  13. jahmal

    SSHRC 2010

    According to a SSHRC news release yesterday: "A total of 7,957 applications for master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral scholarship and fellowship support were adjudicated at SSHRC in 2010-11."Another indication that results are ready to be released. My department tells me that for this year, applicants will find out before the Universities, and that we have to wait on the letters.
  14. jahmal

    SSHRC 2010

    I would not hazard a guess as to an exact date, but what scares/excites me is that to facilitate the "at the start of May" release, it means that decisions have already been made, and someone oy there knows my fate!!!!
  15. jahmal

    SSHRC 2010

    SSHRC finally responded to my query "All results will be mailed out at the start of May." So I guess we wait a bit more...
  16. jahmal

    SSHRC 2010

    <br /><br /><br /> Question, does SSHRC normally respond to emails, I fired off a couple emails last week to the address listed on the web site, but never got a response.
  17. Also unsuccessful, updated within the last hour...
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