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  1. We all did, the prep books dont stress enough on it and it is surprising how much stats there is when you actually take the test
  2. TM is TestMagic it is a forum - http://www.urch.com/forums/phd-economics/ And Woobs is the person's account name there.
  3. If she said she would write one then she should be ok with it. Just tell her that her class was the most recent academic performance you have and that the other two writers are from employment which is recent, but you think that an academic assessment is important. Also, if she is in the program her letter would be weighted a lot - if it is great you are almost in, if it is bad then you are almost out.
  4. I took the test in October and I had two options "All Scores" or "Scores on This Test". You are given this choice for every single school you choose.
  5. Just to let people know - I have taken the GRE this october and posted a topic here sharing me experience with different testing materials. Barron's tests are HORRIBLE - they have nothing in common with the real thing, their scoring is flawed, sometimes they would even give you no credit for a correct answer or claim that an incorrect is correct. My advise is get a different test prep company's materials and see how you score there before you panic. Princeton has an online free test you might try it.
  6. A little known fact is that ETS stands for Evil Testing Serpent. But seriously, sorry to hear you had problems with ID i know it is a bitch. I dont think it is worth spending 2-3 hours on the phone with them when you have to focus on your applications. Try to get the best score you can on your test and only after you finished your applications you should try to get the refund.
  7. Are you international student? Are you gonna take the TOEFL? Also, consider sharing this information with your recommenders, so that they can vauch that you have good verbal skills.
  8. TOEFL scores do not matter, provided you passed the minimum requirement.
  9. What is the average verbal of people accepted in those programs? As long as your score is not less than that you are fine. Also, noone is gonna care about ur TOEFL, unless you are applying for Math programs and your verbal is below 140.
  10. I think it is the oposite of what swisschocolate said. I dont think there is a lot of difference between 156 and 158 in verbal, but there is between 166 and 168, even more so between 170 and 168
  11. Well they were on the second Quant section and one was multiple choice the other was comparison. When I solved the multiple choice one the answer that I got was not among the options, so I guessed. And for the other I it took me some time to think how to solve. So the two kind of got stuck in my head. After a long nap I woke up and redid them and got different answers (i am sure the correct ones) than the one I put on the test.
  12. Frankly, from the 40 math questions at least 10 were stats. I saw multiple choice, plug in the answer, all that apply and comparison stats questions. They involved comparing means, medians, and standard deviation of different sets. Also, calculating those three for a given set and comparing them. I had one that asked for a standard deviation of a function. Also, there was one where you were given some information and it asked what other information is sufficient to calculate standard deviation of the population. They were not that much harder than the ones I saw in Princeton and Powerprep, but they definitely required some thinking about how to approach them. Some of the questions were asked in a way that I did not know what to do at first.
  13. So I just took my GRE yesterday and here are some of my reflections on the test prep materials that I took. First, the Quant section had much more statistics than what Manhattan and Kaplan had on their practice exams. Kaplan had a lot of combinatorics, but I did not get a single combinatorics question, neither did my other two friends. I felt like the quant section was harder than what I saw on test prep materials, but that might have been due to test day anxiety. The verbal section was quite easy. I would say much easier than the ones in Princeton, Manhattan, and Kaplan. It was somewhat on par with the ETS powerprep ones. I spent a lot of time studying words from the Hit Parade and the Kaplan essential words and on the test day there were probably 2-3 words I have not seen before. Also, I am an international student, so whichever words I knew, I knew them from those two decks. Here is some comparison of the scores I got on the exam and on the test prep Raw unofficial scores on exam: Quant - 165/Verbal - 161 Princeton (the free test on their website) - Q163/V156 ( took it before I started preparing) Q170/V165 (took it several days before the exam) Powerprep - Q166/V156, Q166/V160 Kaplan (free test + the 5 tests that come with the book) - Q - 164,167,164,167,168/V - 156, 155, 160, 160, 156 Manhattan - Q - 164 on the first one, 166 on the next 5 tests/ V - 163, 160, 161, 160, 160, 156 When I did the practice tests, I have skipped the writing section on almost all of them. This is something I DO NOT recommend. On the test day, I felt natural working through verbal and quant, but I was very nervous about the writing section. I even froze for 2 min on the first prompt. Another piece of advice - build up your endurance! This makes a hell of a lot difference! I got one question wrong because I factored out 12 as 2x2x6 and another wrong because I decided that sqrt(3) > 2. Also, my experimental section was Verbal, but throughout the test my Quant sections seemed so weird that I was convinced that my experimental section is going to be Quant. I do not know if it matters, but the sections I saw were - Verbal/Quant/Verbal/Quant/Verbal. Hope this helps, I will try to answer any question you guys have as accurately as I can.
  14. If I were you I would memorize it. Sure as the other posters say you can always use other tricks to solve the equation, but the problem is which one is faster. Sometimes you dont see the trick right away, or you get stuck on the factoring out and is much faster to simply plug in the numbers for the formula. Plus it is an easy formula, wont take much time to memorize!
  15. I havent read that one, however,I recommend NOVA, it is old as well but the concept tested are the same as the old GRE.
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