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Everything posted by md@

  1. md@

    NSF GRFP 2018-2019

    “Fellowship admin” what even is that??? Is this why there are so many winners from from ivies despite that ivy vs non ivy has little to do with the rigor of graduate school
  2. md@

    NSF GRFP 2018-2019

    Nothing like 'not recommended' to make you hate graduate student life and yourself.
  3. md@

    NSF GRFP 2018-2019

    Same.... oh dear. But on informational note, does anyone know how do they usually alert you? Do you go on to fastlane and click down to '2019' for the awardees? Or does that not go up immediately? Or do the send an email? Or emails only to awardees?
  4. md@

    NSF GRFP 2018-2019

  5. md@

    NSF GRFP 2018-2019

    Was doing great, but now that April 9 is approaching, panic starting to ensue... just me? Thankfully no GFRP dreams for me.. yet
  6. md@

    NSF GRFP 2018-2019

    Additionally, you may be in my situation where you have funding on a project that it turns out isn't your favorite, and is also very specific about where you need to take your project. If you get an NSF GRFP, you're granted a lot of freedom as you write your own proposal and outline/goals.
  7. md@

    NSF GRFP 2018-2019

  8. md@

    NSF GRFP 2018-2019

    Haha, thanks! But yeah we've already obsessed over it in some of the previous pages of this thread. Feels ages away.
  9. md@

    NDSEG 2019

    I never even received this email? Where did you find this? Mine says 2nd review round, etc... I don't see why they don't send out a rejection emails to those of us in group "1st round" and "2nd round". Just for the sake of clarity so we can move on with our lives.
  10. md@

    NDSEG 2019

    Yeah it's really on my portal!! I swear I wasn't trolling. I would absolutely never do that, this process is hard enough on its own
  11. md@

    NDSEG 2019

    "National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship This application is for the 2019 class for the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship Program. Update: April 2, 2019 Notifications for awards of the NDSEG Fellowship for the 2019 class will start the first week in April. Anyone who was not selected will receive notification following award acceptance from those selected. We anticipate the status of all applications by the end of April. The email address used to create and log into this account will receive the status updates." Did you guys see this in the portal? To me, it definitely seems like not even the entirety of the "first wave" even went out yet... See my application
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