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  1. Those are some very valid questions. I am not entirely sure about my career goal yet, which might have come off in my personal statement and contributed to the unsuccessful outcomes of my application. I am not keen on becoming a therapist, but like I said, I have not done any direct clinical work, like patient counseling or clinical assessments. I am working as a clinical research coordinator at a hospital right now, so I work with clinical populations a lot. I really enjoy implementing research that can improve their quality of life and quality of care, but I guess that doesn't have to be limited to clinical interventions.
  2. Oh that is good to know. I met someone who is a current student in the clinical psychology program of that school, and they were initially admitted to the cognitive neuroscience program and transferred to clinical psych during their second year. They did not even redo the first year, so I guess it varies across programs.
  3. I recently interviewed with a clinical psych program and was notified by the PI that they would like to give me an offer, just not for the clinical track. The research fit is amazing, and I really like the program in general after the interview. However, clinical psychology has always been my passion, and getting clinical training has been my goal all along. This is my third time applying, and even though I know how competitive and especially difficult this cycle has been, I am starting to have some doubts about whether clinical psych is for me. I am not especially keen on becoming a therapist, and I know that is not the only thing clinical training offers us. I also haven't been exposed to much clinical work to know what to anticipate. I guess another major door that would close by going nonclinical is conducting research on clinical samples or behaviors, especially if I want to do any intervention work. My POI doesn't work directly with clinical populations, but their research is clinically-oriented. The thought of going through another cycle/year of this is soul-deadening, but I don't think I should feel like I need to compromise on my career goals if I can help it either. That said, I'd like to hear what everyone thinks about this and what you would do if you were in this situation. I also heard that you could transfer to clinical later even if you weren't initially admitted to clinical. Does anyone know how likely this is? Thanks everyone, any feedback is much appreciated!
  4. I emailed my POI at Harvard yesterday, and they said "graduate applications have now been fully considered at the departmental level. Unfortunately, we have experienced a pretty drastic reduction in the number of students we can admit this year, dictated by the graduate school. " ?
  5. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I think I would be able to arrange a reasonable amount of time to study again for this test and retake it. The two schools that I put on my free recipient list are unfortunately my dream schools so I think it is kind of necessary to show them everything I've got. Even though one of them does not require the test, I think having a bad score would still somewhat weaken my application. That being said, I totally agree with what you said about making a better use of my time, but if I don't fix this potentially harmful component of my application, I will feel somewhat unsettled and might even attribute future losses to this one component. Also, how did you get them to tell you if they considered your PSYC GRE score or not? Did that happen after the rejection? Again, I truly appreciate your reply.
  6. Can you maybe share some of your test prep tips? I I used the Kaplan prep book and read through my intro to psyc textbook. I wasn't able to find many studying material for this particular test, and everyone seems to have different opinions about which test prep book out there is the most comprehensive. If you could share your experience with me, I'd very much appreciate it!
  7. Thank you for your advice. I think I will retake the test. I did study very hard for this test, but I also didn't sleep well the night before the test. In fact, I wasn't able to sleep at all, which might be caused by my test anxiety. I def need to work on that as well. Can you suggest some good ways to study for this test? I used the Kaplan prep book and read through my intro to psyc textbook. I also made sure I knew enough of every topic that is listed on the official guide. Although I have to admit that I was a bit rushing a week before the exam. I signed up for the test back in November, and I procrastinated studying for it till 2 weeks before the exam. To be honest, I think this test is completely based on memorization, so would studying in advance really help?
  8. Thanks everyone for your advice
  9. Hi Everyone, So I took my psyc subject test in April and found out about the score this morning. It was pretty bad to be honest. I know the percentile is whats it matters, and 68% is still very bad. I also forgot to cancel my free score recipients before the test so some schools (sadly, some of my dream schools), would get this bad score. However, I see that I still have time to retake this test in Oct, but I don't know if I should, given the fact that those schools will receive this first score either way. I am planning to apply to clinical psychology programs, and I know the application review is holistic. But I am very worried that having this bad score could negatively impact my application, more so than not sending it entirely. I guess my questions is, for the schools I already sent the score to, should I retake the test to make up for the first test? I majored in psychology and statistics in undergrad. My psyc GPA is 3.9. I am working full time as a research assistant right now, with a thesis and some conference presentations listed on my resume. I would really like to get some opinions on this. Thank you guys so much in advance!
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