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Everything posted by lulu76

  1. Thanks for joining the conversation. It seems thread activity for post-degree programs is low. I was really just curious if one program is considered better than the other. I'm ultimately interested in doing clinical Social Work. Have you applied and/or accepted any programs or next year?
  2. Hello, I know this post is older, but in case you're still picking up messages on the site, I'm wondering if you could elaborate on your experience with Dal's BSW program? I'm debating between acceptance offers from Dal and Waterloo. Thanks!
  3. Help! I'm trying to decide between part-time/distance BSW programs at Dalhousie, Renison (Waterloo) and McMaster. Are any of these schools considered better than the others? ... all are accredited. Any insight is much appreciated
  4. Thoughts on post-degree BSW programs at Renison (Waterloo) vs. Mcmaster vs. Dalhousie (distance)?? How do these programs rank and compare to each other?
  5. Thank you for your insight. I suspected this was the case. Do you believe there is a benefit to doing the BSW and MSW vs. simply doing the MSW (I have a Business Psychology degree from 20 years ago)?
  6. Thank you! How important do you think a clinical focus is at the BSW level? Is it possible to do clinical work immediately post a BSW or would I likely need my MSW? Other BSW programs I applied to include Waterloo and McMaster.
  7. Hi Everyone, I applied to Laurier's MSW program and didn't get in, but I've now been accepted into Dalhousie's BSW distance delivery program (yay!!). I'm curious about people's thoughts on pursuing the BSW now and then ultimately doing a 1 year MSW versus holding out and re-applying to the 2 year MSW next year (I'm a mature student and have improved my grades as a post-degree student since my original MSW application). My hope is to work in mental health. Also, any input on Dal's BSW distance delivery program is much appreciated. Thanks!
  8. Hi Everyone, I applied to Laurier's MSW program and didn't get in, but I've now been accepted into Dalhousie's BSW distance delivery program (yay!!). I'm curious about people's thoughts on pursuing the BSW now and then ultimately doing a 1 year MSW versus holding out and re-applying to the 2 year MSW in future years (I'm a mature student and have improved my grades since my original MSW application). Thanks!
  9. Hi! Can any past or present students provide feedback on Dalhousie's BSW distance delivery program? I'm curious about your overall experience with the program. TIA!
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