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Everything posted by BlakeWhite

  1. I would ask someone from your program. There is SO much variability that it is hard to speculate. I can say, typically, that MAs are not independent. Really in the United States, only the last three or four years of a PhD are "independent", if ever.
  2. Believe me, I am happy for everyone who has gotten into a program. But, seeing SO MANY threads everywhere that talk about how happy people are just make me frustrated that I haven't gotten any acceptances yet . It feels like everyone is getting into Ivies and I can't get anything
  3. Wake Forest >>>
  4. Sorry about your current situation. Have you tried to talk to the ombudsperson or dean about this? It seems clear cut that, if you say this is a well-established program, that the administrators would not be happy to see professors treating a successful student in this way. Additionally, although it may feel like it, I am sure that it isn't the case that no one cares about your success in the program. Having graduate students successfully graduate and be placed in jobs they want is a hallmark of success and what administrators of the program should be striving for, even if only for instrumental reasons to keep the program going. If it really is the case that everyone you have met, especially your advisor, as you have mentioned, is neglectful and cruel to you, I would urge you to look toward other methods of social support like your family, friends, or religious group. Lastly, about knowing what to write, if you have reached your fifth year in a well-established program and have already defended a proposal, you are a competent student that understands the literature and methodology enough to finish. It is not your fault that you are in this position and it is likely that if you were in a more supportive one, you may very well be much further along with much less stress. Ultimately, know that whatever happens, this regrettable situation isn't your fault, and we all hope that it improves for the better.
  5. Clinical PhDs are very competitive, probably the most so of any psychology program. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you could only manage a 2.9 GPA in undergraduate, it is doubtful that any reputable program would give you much of a chance against more competitive applicants as your application stands. Do you want to get a psychology degree to practice or do research? If you would like to practice, it might be good to consider master level degrees that allow you to practice, that are less stringent in their admissions requirement. Some even think that those degrees are a better option financially. For research, a PhD is almost obligatory if you would like to have any sort of control of your own research. If you choose to go down that road you might want to apply to a general experimental masters program. In that case, your ideal situation, as I see it, is that if you can up you GPA dramatically, into the 3.5+ range, score well on the GRE, and get some service down you can start looking at clinical PhDs. Sorry to be so severe, but it may be a tough road going forward if you choose that route. That being said, that doesn't mean it would be unachievable! : )
  6. I messaged you!
  7. A little late haha, but I am currently attending Wake so if either of you decided to attend, shoot me a private message if you have any questions.
  8. Hello! I wanted to start a topic so any new Wake Forest admits could communicate with each other; Wake is a small school and many graduate cohorts are very small. If you are used to having a lot of friends, you will probably need to be a little socially proactive. I will start my second year in the Fall so I can probably answer questions if you have any too : ) !
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