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Everything posted by ginsburg

  1. I just wonder how this University Dissertation Fellowship works, since the admission letter said it will be awarded in fifth or sixth year for eligible students. What if people finish in 5th year, do they get both this fellowship and the regular stipend at the same time?
  2. It's just so interesting to see Berkeley has the earliest deadline, but the latest decisions. Why so pretentious?
  3. So are you set for Madison? If so, I think funding may not be so big a concern since I heard some people get external fellowships and grants.
  4. in @ yale, totally unexpected, as they sent the email directing me to check the website, thought it was a rejection, but turns out a surprise. As I said, all you need is one!
  5. One more thing, anyone has the contact info of Yale? I was so desperate that I want to call them to confirm rejections
  6. Congrats! Do you mind sharing more information? How many did they admit, when is the campus visit, and how's the funding package
  7. I've just called Thom Wall, all admissions and wait lists had been sent out. And since I didn't receive the email, I'm rejected...
  8. I absolutely want to second this idea. It matters a lot for admission committees, particularly if your interest is not broad (and good enough) to ensure that whoever sits in the committee will be interested in your fit. I feel so particularly for comparativists, since this subfield has arguably the most diverse issues, for instance, if you are interested in Burma, then good luck......
  9. I think balderdash was on the waiting list last year. No idea how it works
  10. I think the one in charge should be Thom Wall in the government department, it's not surprising that the GSAS can't give you details since they themselves may well have no idea too
  11. Well, again, I checked wiki, this guy had also never served as general secretary. Is he more like a communist Ayatollah?
  12. It seems that Yale has been adopting the Stanford mode, POIs notifying individual applicants. Plus the claimed call, looks like another quietly finished program.
  13. I was also interested in parts of her work, though with a different issue focus. And I don't think active scholars stop updating their CVs once tenured, people who stop updating CVs are most likely to be people who no longer publish. In the case of Widner, I also did extensive online search and found out no "serious" publication since maybe 2005. I feared that she may be less active and not really interested in taking more students. So I didn't list her as my POI for better or worse.
  14. You can call them in about 4 hours to check, if your anxiety keeps growing. Back to one of my earlier post, what has Widner been doing recently? She wasn't publishing in recent years, and her two ongoing work projects seemed to have lasted for decades...
  15. What's your interest? Just curious if Boix is one of your POI
  16. I think you may have misspelled, cauz google returned a result "Deng Xiaoping". If so, according to wiki, this guy has never served as Chinese president, and was responsible for a bloody massive crackdown in 1989....
  17. At least 3 schools on your list are not done yet, why leaving?
  18. For me it's a close call, but I'd tentatively put W slightly ahead of Truman and Clinton. Main reason? Two great wars and the audacity to lead, haha
  19. In comparison with previous cycles, some schools were ahead of schedules this year (Chicago, Cornell), while some were behind (Princeton and Yale if previous posts were troll). Very few on time?
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