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Everything posted by PavlovsMonster

  1. It sounds to me like it might be a waitlist. If a spot opens from someone who declines their offer they may offer you the spot or the chance to interview.
  2. I've seen a post or two in here but I'm not sure if it was ever answered. Has anyone heard from UMaine's clinical program? The only thing I've seen regarding them were two preliminary interviews back at the end of December. CUDCP has that their interview deadline was 1/10, however I have seen zero activity here or on the results page. Could it be possible that they're running behind like a few schools I've seen people report on in here?
  3. This is exactly how I felt last year when it started getting late enough in the cycle that it was obvious as to what was happening. At a certain point you just want to hear something no matter what the news is.
  4. I've seen one possibly this cycle, though the school it was for has two clinical psych faculty members with the same initials, so....? To be safe, I've like mentally crossed them off even though it's possible that it's not who I applied with. What's also killing me is the fact that I've seen preliminary interviews for some of my desired schools roll in and yet my inbox reminds quiet. I understand that they're just preliminary phone/skype calls and that they don't mean I'm out (negating the fact that I don't know who their POIs are), but it still causes my anxiety to raise.
  5. Can I also request a DM from these posters? Thanks!
  6. Oh my god this happened to me while I was sitting in a coworker's office this afternoon. We had a good laugh, but there was still that moment of f e a r.
  7. Yeah, I think I'll keep that in mind. Back in February, I went back and forth with my lab advisor and counseling professor on the pros and cons of Masters vs. gap years and decided on the latter. I retook the GRE in August, and while I did what I and the people around me would consider much better, my scores aren't at the superior range. I hoping a combination of higher scores, more experience, and a better worded and written personal statement will help my chances a bit more this cycle. It's just really unfortunate that what I want to do after grad school requires a program that often has ridiculously high GRE scores.
  8. This is my second clinical psych application cycle and honestly, I'm just chilling here in the forums and rewatching beloved television shows to take my mind off the results page. Once we get further into December/January I'm sure I'll be living on that page though. I do admit though that every time I see an email notification, my heart beats a little faster. Last year I elected to take a gap year to pursue further research and clinical experience. I think I've come to the conclusion that if it seems like I'm going to strike out with the programs I've picked this year again, I'm going to apply for some masters programs to further beef up my profile. While the experience at the clinic I'm working at has been amazing, I do miss school and learning. Ugh why must this field be so competitive?
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