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Everything posted by womanimal

  1. womanimal

    SSHRC 2010

    if you really really want to know what people thought about your application in great detail you can file a Freedom Of Information request to get ALL the documentation that went into the decision making process for your specific application. Notes of all discussions had about your proposal, specific comments made by reviewers etc - all available. go to this website http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/tbsf-fsct/350-57-eng.asp and fill out the form, then mail it to sshrc. or something along those lines (i've never done it myself but thought about doing it often). anyway, if you want the mystery solved and the details given, this is the way you can get it. good luck.
  2. womanimal

    SSHRC 2010

    As far as awards go, i think the process is a total mystery. I applied 2 years ago with the exact same project proposal and got flat out rejected. I didn't end up going into a PhD until last fall, and applied again for this year, magically getting funded. My work is primarily on post-capitalist economic / social instantiations or movements, centred on Brazil and Italy, and French philosophy. This time around I took most of the explicitly anti-capitalist referents out of my application, but left in all references to Marx, anarchism, etc. Either the toning down of the ideological elements worked or else the whole thing is a crapshoot. I am inclined to think it's a crapshoot.
  3. womanimal

    SSHRC 2010

    EXCELLENT news! As we discussed earlier regarding the you have reason to be happy. unless the woman is a sadist she is unlikely to laugh and say "very very good" hooray!
  4. womanimal

    SSHRC 2010

    by the way, does anyone have any guess as to what the likelihood of being bumped up is?
  5. womanimal

    SSHRC 2010

    i got am email moments ago. got the small sshrc. or rather, the fellowship. here's hoping it gets bumped up!! haven't received the letter yet so i don't know my score, but i will post when i find out. good luck everyone!
  6. womanimal

    SSHRC 2010

    ceased bathing weeks ago. check check check!
  7. womanimal

    SSHRC 2010

    oh also, i too am in TO and would be up for celebratory/commiseratory drinks when the results are all in... best of luck to everyone. fingers crossed.
  8. womanimal

    SSHRC 2010

    i received this reply from grad studies: You will know by tomorrow. Watch your uwo.ca e-mail. Cheers paula not to get too analytical about it, but how would you all interpret that emoticon? good? bad? neutral?
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