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Everything posted by jenny67

  1. Hey, I would try the following: 1. Reach out to your letter writers and ask them for advice in terms of research and projects- I assume these people support you so they may offer you resources and maybe even you can volunteer some of your time to help them on their research to add to your CV meanwhile 2. use this downtime to reconsider the programs you applied to (make sure they are a fit with where you want to take your research rather than applying to top-ranked schools). Also, make three different categories of "reach programs"- programs that are hard to get into, "mid-tier"- programs that you are more likely to get into; the "bottom tier" is the easy schools you are sure get an offer from. With this you also have to look at all the different faculty and see if the program has faculty that fit the way you want to head with your research, which I'm sure you're already aware of (wanted to throw that in for those who weren't aware). I recommend 3-4 for reach programs, 5-6 mid-tier, and maybe 4 low tier 3. work on your writing sample to refine it and make it better for the next round of apps 4. work on your statement of purpose and personal statement for the next round of application- find a way to discuss/ incorporate how you had a gap year and how COVID-19 impacted your ability to conduct research, but you did "a, b, and c" in replacement which shows your commitment 5. you should reach out to poteintal faculty with a BRIEF email to let them know you're intrested in working with them and let them know you're considering applying during the fall to get your food in the door. Gives you the chance to get your name out there, see if they are responsive, and get a feel for the way things have been impacted since COVID. They might say they aren't taking people this year b.c a lot of depts took financial hits, or they might be taking two extra people because they found funding. Reach out if you want to talk things out- hope this was helpful! Sorry if it wasn't.
  2. Same for me and Rutgers... Keep your fingers crossed and keep us posted!
  3. I did not, sorry!
  4. No need to apologize! I wanted to provide the link here in case someone wanted to look at more info on programs
  5. Thanks for the optimism on UMN, and congrats on the Anthro acceptance! So Rutgers did interviews in January #depresessionmode LOL I found another forum in the GWS/Feminist Studies Field LOL heres the link :
  6. Congrats on the interview! Things probably got slowed down because of the COVID-19 thing going on— keep your hopes up! I applied and have not heard back so I know they haven't sent rejections!! LOL
  7. Yo! I'm in the same boat right now….
  8. Have not heard from Rutgers WGSS or UMN Twin Cities Fem. Studies on my end - Try and keep hope- we may have to reach out to them pretty soon since it's less than a month away before the deadline…. I've heard of programs contacting individuals after the 4/15 deadline, so there is always a little hope
  9. School visits got canceled because of COVID 19….. what is everyone doing to make decisions if there is not a school visit?
  10. Good luck on UW- heaing nothing might be good news-
  11. No sorry- but UCLA rejected me LOL What is up with Rutgers?
  12. Anyone apply to Gender/Feminist Studies (Fall 2020)/ hear from programs?
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