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Everything posted by MattGeo1990

  1. I'm interested in this as well. Universities are switching to online learning and students are being mandated to move out of residence halls. I am weighing my options. I really don't want to delay my plans, but I have a secure job right now. I mean, the Universities HAVE to carry on with the core functions of research and teaching, right? I'm waiting to hear from my schools.
  2. Thanks for sharing the info. Good luck!
  3. Dr. Ritterbush is my POI at Utah. I called the graduate admissions office last week to see what stage of review my application was in. They said that the department had not sent my application to graduate admissions yet, meaning that it is still in the initial review stage.
  4. Has anyone heard anything from Penn State, Ohio State, the University of Utah, or the University of Alabama?
  5. @EmmaJeanB I received an email from my POI at UT-Austin last week. It seems that they have made at least some decisions on TA positions. I also stopped by the UT Jackson School booth at a conference last week. They said that decisions would probably not come out until March. That's all I know.
  6. Hi everyone. I sure wish that I had paid closer attention to each school's specific process for submitting transcripts. Here I am anxiously awaiting for admissions and departmental offices to re-open after the holiday break so I can hopefully resolve a few things. After eight months of meticulous planning, correspondence, studying, and writing, here I find myself concerned about proper transcript submittals. Fortunately, most of my application files are likely fine. Considering that I have a wife and new baby along for the ride, I really hope for the luxury of having several programs to choose from. I'm very excited to return to academia. Best of luck to all of you as the next few excruciating months unfold! Undergrad Institution: Large public university in southeastern US, respectable geology program.Major(s): BS GeologyOverall GPA: 2.86 (Yes, I was distracted)Type of Student: Male, White Prior Graduate Institution: Mid-size public university in Texas, non-prestigious geoscience program.Degree/Major: MS/GeologyOverall GPA: 3.68GRE Scores:Q: 154 V: 165W: 4.5Research Experience: Master's thesis, quantitative paleobiology/biostratigraphy, not published. Undergraduate research assistantship, paleoclimatology. Post-graduate independent research, paleobiology/stratigraphy. One paper published (third author), two GSA technical talks, AAPG conference poster presentationPertinent Activities or Jobs: 5 years as petroleum geologist with oil and gas exploration company, current title is Senior Geologist. 4 semesters as graduate teaching assistant.Applying to Where:UT Austin - Geological Sciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology Stanford - Geological Sciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology Penn State - Geosciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology Texas A&M- Geology and Geophysics- Paleobiology/Paleoecology University of Kansas - Geological Sciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology University of Chicago - Geophysical Sciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology Ohio State - Earth Science - Paleobiology/Paleoecology Baylor- Geosciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology University of New Mexico - Earth and Planetary Sciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology University of Utah - Geology and Geophysics - Paleobiology/Paleoecology University of Alabama - Geological Sciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology
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