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Posts posted by chrissy2020

  1. CAMWS, the Classics conference, has a list of MA and PhD Programs. You might consider taking some time this summer just researching programs and what they can offer: https://camws.org/node/555. I know that I did this for my PhD and it really helped open my eyes to so many more programs that I did not even realize existed. Most of the links on the site are old, but you can get the school name and just put in classics program or something similar. 

  2. 4 hours ago, trajanicolumn said:

    Wondering what you all think of this:

    A while back I emailed my top choice (where I'm waitlisted) about my status on the waitlist. I got a reply the other day that said I am "very much still in the running" and that it is "entirely possible" I'll receive an offer. They closed by saying they "hope to be in touch with good news soon."

    Are they just being nice? The email felt very encouraging, but I'm just not sure -- do I have a very real chance? This program only takes 2 people per year and I'd sell my kidney to go. Do programs with small acceptance rates typically have a smaller waitlist? I feel like this has raised a ton of questions! Now I'm on the edge of my seat again, waiting for an update lol. 2 weeks until we all have to commit ?

    I would take it as a good sign rather than a bad one. The department could have easily remained silent and said nothing and just let you sweat it out, but instead they wanted to let you know that they remember that you are there waiting. I am on several waitlists right now, and I've even emailed some to let them know that I am still interested (also to keep my name in their minds) and received no reply from them, which is extremely discouraging. I say keep as much hope as you can, and let them know that you are eagerly awaiting good news from them. If you are on the waitlist, it is clear that they are interested in you, so I doubt they're just being nice. They want you too and are probably limited by funds. 

  3. Hi so I don't have any direct relationship to any of these schools, however, I will say 2 things about grad school in general. 1) you should not go into debt for a classics degree. It is really not worth it and paying back loans will be so much harder for us in the long run. I know you said that you bartend and if that's enough to fulfill your needs while taking on some very difficult courses, then more power to you! 2) I don't know if you're considering a PhD, but any teaching experience you can get while doing your Master's is great for PhD apps. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Zak Grammaticus said:

    Just out of curiosity, has anyone had any word from UT Austin or Duke?

    I got an invitation to interview at Duke back in late January/early February, the interview is not until late March though. 

  5. Hey y'all,

    I am just curious, which do you think is more important: to work with someone prominent in your field/area or to attend a school that you can manipulate to fit your interest but has more prestige? I am specifically looking at this question through the lens of hiring and post grad school job opportunities.

  6. So I went into a Master's, not a PhD, with no sort of teaching training. In my experience, we got a week long orientation centered around teaching before school started, and then during our first semester we had to take a teaching practicum, which essentially goes over different methods for teaching languages. I know that most PhD programs will not have you teach your first year, perhaps not even your second, unless you have extensive experience (for example UI-UC is allowing me to teach my first year because I have taught languages for three years already). In the meantime, they will probably offer you programs to better your teaching abilities and you will probably sit in on other student's teaching courses to get a feel for teaching. In addition, most of the first classes you will be apart of will be large lecture courses, where you will probably lead a small division of that course once a week in a discussion based section, so you will experience the Professor teaching the large class and get a feel for being "in charge" of a smaller classroom all before you actually teach a language. 

  7. I called U Mich today about the PhD in Classical Studies. She let me know that results will be out next week. I feel like this will be waitlist and rejection decisions, since I know other posters have notified us about their acceptances. Good luck to everyone waiting for news from U Mich and other schools!

  8. I think more decisions are starting to come out, I just got my acceptance for Santa Barbara (interviewed on 1/14), an invite for an interview for Illinois yesterday, and an invite for an interview for Boston University today (all PhD programs). Keep your heads up! We got this!

  9. In regards to the Michigan program, from what I have heard, they do not interview. They have a welcome event for all the students who accept around March. I know they do not interview for the PhD, but I am not so sure about the Bridge MA, but I would assume it is the same. Good luck to everyone!

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