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Everything posted by qskatie33

  1. This has been such a painful and tedious process and just when I think I'm done, I'm not. I am applying to both Master's and PhD programs. I had three recommenders lined up who all know me very well. academically and personally. Two of the three got their letters in on time. One of them didn't and wasn't responding to emails over the winter break. When I finally got in touch with her, she said she would do them "that night." It obviously didn't happen. Since then, she has kept saying on multiple occasions that she was going to submit the letters that day. Here I am, a month after one of the deadlines (Dec 30), and two weeks after the other deadlines (Jan 15). I have already been rejected from one of the Jan 15 programs. I can't help but assume it's because I was missing a letter. Even if she got the letters submitted tomorrow (unlikely), do I even have a shot at this point? What do you do in this scenario???? Is there a way you can appeal a decision or get them to pause reviewing your application. I don't want all of my money and time to have been wasted because one person wont submit a letter. It is completely out of my hands. I can't force her to do it. Please help me. What do I do?
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