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Everything posted by mmata

  1. Wow that's great! What was your deciding factor, if I may ask? I'm rather torn atm.
  2. Congrats! Me too! So grateful for the acceptance. Now I have to so far decide between SFSU and CSULB. I'll be declining CSUSM's offer.
  3. I was accepted last night! They sent the email rather late, at around 8 pm. Maybe they're doing this alphabetically? Or perhaps there is no pattern. Thus far, they have sent acceptances sporadically (or so it seems).
  4. I saw that people are being interviewed this week as well. Not sure what that is about. I was interviewed on 3/7 but haven't heard back, either.
  5. Hi! Were you accepted for Fall 2020? I had an interview last month with them but haven't heard back! Thanks!
  6. Yeah I can totally relate to you. I tried opening many doors and all were locked, except for one hah. Also, looks like two people posted receiving admissions from SFSU yesterday. I guess that means I'm not getting an admission. But, I'm still hopeful. I was accepted to CSUSM but that's my last resort as it's much pricier than the other programs. Have you heard anything?
  7. Yeah, I was expecting more thought provoking questions from CSULB. Instead, they were very dry and bland. The only thing that appealed to me was their grant and how affordable the program is overall. I also like how we would have summers off. And yes, I received that email, too! I'm assuming it's their way of letting us know that we have not been forgotten.
  8. I haven't heard anything back from SFSU. I saw the same post as you, still anxiously waiting. I also had an interview with CSULB on 3/7, but no word from them, either.
  9. Sorry to hear about the malfunction! I was also interviewed on Monday, but I was in person. There was no one on Zoom during my interview, but I would call the department and ask. I called this morning to ask how many people were interviewed, but I was told they cannot disclose that information.
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