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  • Location
  • Application Season
    2020 Fall
  • Program
    CSUN (online), SFSU, SJSU, UNR (online)

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hey there, I have not heard back yet. I have no idea when we're meant to hear back, but I think (and hope!) sometime before May?
  2. Hey, thanks so much! I appreciate the words of encouragement :--) I had my interview yesterday and it was much less scary than I anticipated haha. I hope yours went well on Saturday, I'm sure you did great!
  3. Hi there, I'm new to TheGradCafe and couldn't seem to find a forum about only California / online schools, so I thought I'd start one to get some insight on other people's experience. I applied to San Francisco, San Jose, CSUN (online) and UNR (online) and am waiting to hear back from all of them (although I have an interview scheduled with CSUN)! Is anyone applying or waiting for similar schools? Or know of the timeline by which we hear back from any? Naturally, I'm feeling anxious and eager to hear back, but I know it helps me to hear about other people being in the same boat. Congrats to everyone working hard, and I wish you all the best!
  4. Hey there, I wanted to thank everyone for sharing their experience; I just found TheGradCafe and forums like this have really helped me not feel totally alone. I applied to the CSUN online MSW back in November, and received 2 emails (I missed the first one, YIKES) about the interview that I believe will be next Monday. Naturally, I'm getting increasingly anxious about the interview and whether I'm able to present myself the way I want to -- if that makes sense? Anyway, I just wanted to come on here & say congrats to everyone who's working hard & I wish you all the best!
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