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Posts posted by nigellovesslp

  1. 15 minutes ago, melspeaks said:

    might i ask what made you choose toronto over mcgill?

    Some major reasons are just personal preference, like I did my undergrad at McGill so wanting to go to a different school and I'm from Toronto so can live at home and save money (of course Toronto is expensive itself). I prefer it's curriculum of alternating between clinical and courses, whereas McGill does them at the same time. I've also heard great things from people I know who are/went there, mainly that it's a really good supportive environment and of course it's a very reputable school.

  2. 2 hours ago, melspeaks said:

    For those who have accepted their uoft offers, do we get an email with our Acorn login info once we accept? It’s been 2 days and I haven’t received anything yet. 

    I also accepted my offer two days ago and haven’t gotten anything. It may take a week or so I think they mentioned things being slower on their end in the open house. 

  3. 8 hours ago, flowerslp2020 said:

    Hey there! Just out of curiosity I am wondering what made you choose UofT? I am currently deciding between UofT, Western and UBC(haven't heard from them yet). I am drawn to UofT because I think it would be a cool experience. Its kind of considered the New York of Canada. Anyways, I'd love to hear what you think! :)

    Hi! There’s a few reasons, some of which are really just my personal preference. Some major ones have to do with the city itself - I’m originally from Toronto and can move back home, London is just so much further away and smaller, etc. As a city itself, Toronto definitely does not lack in things to do and see though I do find the culture to be less laid back than in cities like Montreal (where I currently live). I didn’t apply to UBC but I really considered it because I’ve heard great things about Vancouver (it’s just too far for me right now). I also have heard great things about the program in terms of how supportive the faculty is, lots of clinics placement opportunities and I like the overall structure of the program alternating between classes and placements. Hope that helps! :) 

  4. 6 hours ago, soontobslp said:

    Lucky people who get accepted to more than one school, if you know which offers you will be declining can you post so us stressed few on the waitlists can get an idea of how much it will move please! Thank you & congratulations! ?

    I will be declining Western and likely McMaster to accept my offer to U of T. I was also on the waitlist for McGill so that would free a spot there! Hope that helps :)

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