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Everything posted by paul123
I had a meeting with them because my "award" was...not great. Admittedly this is for the low res program, so funding might be different if you were accepted to a different program. The woman I spoke to was very nice, and told me how to appeal my student aid package, but she was not optimistic that things would improve enough for me that it would make a difference. It seemed like they don't haver a ton to offer. I hope you have better luck than I do!
That’s good though! Congrats! I mean tuition is a pretty formidable amount of money so 50% off is good. If I had gotten that much I probably would have accepted immediately too.
I got around 30% with the additional offer of a graduate assistantship. Not sure yet what the compensation for the latter is, or if there's more money floating around. I've written to them though, and am awaiting a response. I'd very much like to go if the money works out! Big if, though.
Do you mind if I ask how much you got from Pratt? I also go in and got offered some scholarship money, but I'm trying to figure out how things compare. As it stands right now, they haven't offered me enough, but I'm going to try to get more out of them.
I think there's absolutely no harm in emailing to ask if interviews have gone out, etc. There's usually a departmental administrator you can email, as opposed to a faculty member. Some schools are really uncommunicative, and it's not respectful of the time, effort, and money people invest in applying. I would reach out--and in my case, I have.
I know of two people who received interviews for Film/Video early last week. (Both from this forum.) But haven’t heard of anyone in other disciplines getting interviews. I don’t think they interview very many people, so we might all just be out of luck. It’s too bad.
Good luck! I got a call yesterday letting me know I was accepted into their Photo program. My interview was last Wednesday, and they were very nice.
Hey good to know they haven't all gone out already! There's still some hope. (And it's the hope that kills you.)
No mine doesn't make any sense at all. I didn't realize I had to submit anything other than what I did for all the other schools. How does one do that?
Yeah! It was strange, but I'm glad to hear someone else is in the same boat. I also got an email on the 17th, dated the 10th. Are you going to any of the admitted student events? I'm going to call them tomorrow to find out what the deal with the financial aid is. I didn't see a merit scholarship letter in my admitted students portal, and the financial aid numbers make absolutely no sense, so I'm hoping for some clarity. I'll let you know if I find out anything.
Just got an email from SAIC saying I was admitted to the Low Residency MFA! Which was quite the surprise because I was never interviewed. I'm not quite sure what to make of it. Did anyone else have that experience?
I don't know if that universally holds. I can see an old application from a year when I was rejected still in my Slideroom account, and it still says MFA. I wish they would just do what Yale does and let you know, since they obviously know if you've been rejected. It just seems more polite.
Ah that's good to know. And too bad to hear, since the Low Res aspect would make it easiest for me to actually do. Are you a current student? I'd be curious to know what the Photo students' experiences have been like. I guess constantly changing faculty is better than incredibly abusive faculty. I guess. Do you have any insight into why the program is having so much trouble?
Good luck! My Pratt interview is tomorrow. I'd be very curious to hear how it went, if you're willing to share. (Though, mine is for photography.)
A little Bard update: today I reached out to one of the program administrators to find out if interviews had gone out yet--I didn't want to be a bother, but I'm starting to get questions about my summer availability--and they said that interviews will go out next week, with interviews taking place around March 4th. I specifically asked about Photography, but it seems likely that the other disciplines are on a similar timeline. I hope this helps anyone else who has applied!
Has anybody heard from either Bard or the SAIC Low Residency program? (I know that the other SAIC programs reached out about interviews.)
Wanting to see an official transcript is good news! Pratt Photography just invited me to interview. I was wondering if anyone knew someone who went through it (I realize it's a new program) and what they thought. It's, uh, not cheap. Have people heard from Bard? Though looking through last year's forum, it seems the program might be in bad shape.
Ah well in that case we should feel upset. Has anyone heard from Pratt or Bard? For those waiting for Columbia, in 2020 I got an interview there, but it didn't come until February 19th. Their deadline was also more than a week later than other schools, so I wouldn't be surprised if those letters didn't go out until next week.
This is a bit of an odd question, but does anyone know if Columbia accepted anyone for the class of 2022? I see that there are a handful of Sound Arts MFA candidates, but no one is listed for Visual Arts. I ask because I was waitlisted last year and didn't get my formal rejection until about two weeks after the term supposedly started.
For what it's worth--and it's probably worth very little!--I looked it up, and last year I got my interview request for New Genres five weeks to the day from the application deadline. Their deadline was later this year, so if they're following the same timetable, that would mean people might hear this week. It is kind of embarrassingly late though, isn't it?
When did you get your call/when did they tell you they'd email you this week? I interviewed on a Friday afternoon, but on Saturday Columbia shut down because of COVID-19. I had occasion to speak to the person who runs the darkroom, and she intimated that everything is backed up as they deal with setting up remote classes, etc. I'm not personally expecting to get accepted, since I didn't think my interview went all that well, but I imagine things are chaotic over there--and I have no idea whatsoever how they're teaching visual arts classes remotely.