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Everything posted by somethingsimple

  1. What are people doing if it doesn't come out in the next 45 min? Holding out hope for COB on the West Coast or just giving up hope that we will hear anytime soon entirely?
  2. Can a computer science person break this down into English for those of us who know nothing about coding/hacking/scripts?
  3. Meanwhile I thought I was clever for trying to change the awardee list tab html address to /FY2020 from /FY2019. #knowsnothingaboutcomputers
  4. Oh I thought ooshfb meant they were going to start posting more fake email updates to get people drunk
  5. I knew this was going to happen.
  6. For the drinking game: take a drink everytime ooshfb posts they got an email
  7. Someone should just send them a link to this thread and let them see how we have unraveled
  8. We might want to validate the data though since there does seem to be trolls. Not sure what that would entail
  9. You are the hero we need but don't deserve.
  10. Trying to study for a qualifying exam that is now less than 3 weeks away and that I feel wholly unprepared for ? Wish NDSEG would release decisions so I could FOCUS.
  11. *Everyone rushes to spam folder just in case* Edit: this is me included, I have no emails in my spam besides someone trying to sell me Viagra
  12. I think we all do. Evidence: I'm up at 5am obsessively on this website ?
  13. Banned for too many clicks? Too much traffic from one IP address? Connected your IP address to this? Lol Will it just not let you log in?
  14. Or it could be that we are separated arbitrarily into lists and every time someone on a list gets updated, everyone's gets updated. We do know that each panelist reviews 20 applications so it could be clustered that way. That could either mean denied in a first round or denied in later rounds. It could mean one person on the list was accepted and 19 others on that list denied. It could mean one person on the list made it through to the next round but everyone's date is updated. It could mean your reviewer is slow and the last time your date was updated was when they accessed the applications they're reviewing, hence, an early date. It could mean they submitted their evaluated applications through an alternative means (emailed excel sheet vs. portal) so applications either got updated or not and the internal admin are pulling results from multiple medias. Or we could all be denied, we just don't know how it's working. But I have hope for everyone. We're likely all competitive applicants unless you applied on a whim and didn't put in much effort into your app. What I'm trying to say is it would be great to crack the code once we have the results, but no use in speculating for now. I know it hasn't helped my anxiety, that's for sure.
  15. Pacific time zone here, but yeah, I'm simultaneously obsessing and prepping for quals. Stress galore
  16. Mine changed too, also ARO.
  17. The last email I received was 12/15 confirming my application had been validated.
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