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  1. Hi @AustinChemical, thanks for taking the time to write up your thoughts. I recently was accepted into the MechE program and am having a tough time deciding if it’s the right choice. I was hoping to hear that grad students would be eligible for fellowships or research funding if they follow the thesis pathway but was sadly informed this is not the case. Did you end up applying for external research scholarships to assist with your grad school tuition or did you choose the M.Eng route to get out quicker? The estimated $78,000 a year price tag is a tough pill to swallow even with the 1/3 tuition scholarship, especially when most graduate schools will provide funding for Master’s students. On a side note, I would love to get the list of prerequisites for the MechE program if you’d be willing to send it. Hoping to knock out some courses before starting in the spring (assuming I bite the bullet and commit!).
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