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Everything posted by jacgradschool21

  1. Hello in search of advice. I applied to one graduate program this cycle and fortunately was accepted. I was told a month ago I would receive $4,000 merit scholarship and that I was nominated for an assistantship that would cover tuition completely and provide a living stipend. I found out this morning that I didn't receive the assistantship, but would still get the $4k award. I'm going to a in-state University so $4k is about 45% of my tuition, but I'll most likely need to quit my job or commute 9hrs a week. Should I ask for more money? I'm an adjunct instructor at a local university (in a completely different unrelated field) I have teaching experience at the collegiate level. I would really like to eat while I'm in grad school and not have to spend 1/2 my life driving back and forth to work and school. I have no leverage I've already paid my deposit and accepted my admissions offer and I wasn't offered anything better from another program since I didn't apply to any other programs. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks! tl/dr: I am an Adjunct Instructor offered funding that covers 45% of tuition. Can I ask for more money when I've already accepted admissions and paid deposit?
  2. Hello in search of advice. I applied to one graduate program this cycle and fortunately was accepted. I was told a month ago I would receive $4,000 merit scholarship and that I was nominated for an assistantship that would cover tuition completely and provide a living stipend. I found out this morning that I didn't receive the assistantship, but would still get the $4k award. I'm going to a in-state University so $4k is about 45% of my tuition, but I'll most likely need to quit my job or commute 9hrs a week. Should I ask for more money? I'm an adjunct instructor at a local university (in a completely different unrelated field) I have teaching experience at the collegiate level. I would really like to eat while I'm in grad school and not have to spend 1/2 my life driving back and forth to work and school. I have no leverage I've already paid my deposit and accepted my admissions offer and I wasn't offered anything better from another program since I didn't apply to any other programs. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks! tl/dr: I am an Adjunct Instructor offered funding that covers 45% of tuition can I ask for more money when I've already accepted admissions and paid deposit.
  3. It's Mid-May and hopefully time for the Hot Metal Bridge program at Pitt to send out decisions. After looking at some of the topics from previous years it seems like the window sometimes extends to July ?. Would love to see when people start getting decisions for 2021. Good luck!
  4. Thank you so much! You're an actual angel.
  5. Thank you both for responding! I've been doing a lot of research and there's a post-bacc program that I'm interested in with an application date thats only a month away so I'm going to try to get everything together to apply. I don't have a lot of writing samples to choose from so tweaking what I have is probably going to be my biggest hurdle. Anybody got advice on writing a statement of purpose? Unfortunately there aren't any official programs in my home state, but after sending out some inquiries I got responses that encouraged enrolling as a non degree seeking student and taking a few courses before trying to apply next year, so I have a backup plan.
  6. (This was also posted in the Art History forum) Hello. Hopefully this is the right place to post a request for help. I graduate from college in 2019 with a BFA in Design and Production with a 3.66 gpa. I went to a conservatory so we had concentrations of studies within our degree programs and mine was Wig and Makeup Design. Because of the way the program is setup you focus on perfecting your art concentration and only art skills relevant to your concentration. I loved my program and I cherish the four years I got to spend with amazing friends and great teachers, however doing a job I decided would be fun when I was 17 isn't realistic anymore. Career satisfaction is something that is very important to me and I want to spend my time in service of others. I've been toying (read: really obsessed with and desperately want) with the idea of going back to school and getting my Masters in Art History and Masters of Library Science. Hopefully having the opportunity to work in Libraries or Museums sharing and preserving art and information. I only have two programs that I'm considering applying: one is the dream the other a safety both at 2 different public universities in my state. I've been applying to a lot of entry level jobs in galleries, libraries, and other related spaces and I've been consistently rejected. I was hoping to get some practical experience to learn more about the field (to make sure I like it) and make myself into an appealing applicant but it's been a bit of a bust. Any apprenticeship/ postbaccs that are geared towards career changers? I'm a first gen college student. I navigated applications for undergrad and paying for it on my own. I don't have any resources for graduate school admissions and am just looking for some help. I'm not very sure what the right questions are to ask you guys to answer. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks TL;DR 23 y/o Wig and Makeup Design college grad looking to transition careers and go to grad school for Art History and MLIS. Hopes to work in libraries/museums. Limited to no experience in the field and looking for advice on applications and or life if you're feeling spicy.
  7. Hello. Hopefully this is the right place to post a request for help. I graduate from college in 2019 with a BFA in Design and Production with a 3.66 gpa. I went to a conservatory so we had concentrations of studies within our degree programs and mine was Wig and Makeup Design. Because of the way the program is setup you focus on perfecting your art concentration and only art skills relevant to your concentration. I loved my program and I cherish the four years I got to spend with amazing friends and great teachers, however doing a job I decided would be fun when I was 17 isn't realistic anymore. Career satisfaction is something that is very important to me and I want to spend my time in service of others. I've been toying (read: really obsessed with and desperately want) with the idea of going back to school and getting my Masters in Art History and Masters of Library Science. Hopefully having the opportunity to work in Libraries or Museums sharing and preserving art and information. I only have two programs that I'm considering applying: one is the dream the other a safety both at 2 different public universities in my state. I've been applying to a lot of entry level jobs in galleries, libraries, and other related spaces and I've been consistently rejected. I was hoping to get some practical experience to learn more about the field (to make sure I like it) and make myself into an appealing applicant but it's been a bit of a bust. Any apprenticeship/ postbaccs that are geared towards career changers? I'm a first gen college student. I navigated applications for undergrad and paying for it on my own. I don't have any resources for graduate school admissions and am just looking for some help. I'm not very sure what the right questions are to ask you guys to answer. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks TL;DR 23 y/o Wig and Makeup Design college grad looking to transition careers and go to grad school for Art History and MLIS. Hopes to work in libraries/museums. Limited to no experience in the field and looking for advice on applications and or life if you're feeling spicy.
  8. Thank you so much for your response! I am interested in doing therapy, but I think the societal impact of research is greater. Especially research focused on minorities. I'm very interested in researching how race effects the psychology of people of color with a specific focus on African Americans. I'm not quite sure about the direction of that research but I'm hoping to look at the Black family and how familial pressure and jaundiced perception of mental health care can affect teens and young adults seeking counseling. Since my original post I have relocated to NC. Covid related job loss made living in NY a luxury I couldn't afford. The closest University with a research lab is UNCG. Something that is beneficial is that UNCG has a research lab that is very closely related to what I hope to study at the graduate level. My plan for right now is to enroll in the Spring as a non degree seeking student take some prereqs and possibly some graduated level psych courses while I try to get some research experience. Maybe a Postbacc after that? I'm a black woman and a first generation high school and college graduate. I've come across a few postbacc programs dedicated to diversifying the field. Should I just start taking the basics and as I do that reach out to faculty? I don't want to jump the gun and start spamming potential mentors especially since I don't have a CV. However I do want to make sure I'm taking the classes that will directly help me gain the appropriate experience. I've just been reading a lot about the etiquette of contacting potential Professors and don't want to start off on the wrong foot.
  9. Hello! I was wondering if anyone had any advice or experience on beginning a career in psychology with an arts background. I graduated in 2019 with a BFA in Design and Production from a university with a conservatory teaching style. My degree is focused specifically in Wig and Makeup Design. I work (when it's not a pandemic) in NYC as a wig builder for broadway and have built wigs for individuals with medical related hair loss. I have a real desire to work in a helping profession specifically as a therapist or psychologist. I started college with a range of AP credits so I wasn't required to take a Math or Science so I have no science classes on my transcript. I would love to complete a postbac focused in Clinical Psych and Research but after looking into several programs I just don't see how I could qualify for those. I don't have the money to apply to programs without a general confidence in my success. It feels like psych graduate studies is a bit of a closed loop. Research experience is necessary for grad school/post bacc, can't get research experience without prereq academic or outside of formal academic structure. I've considered UC Berkeley EXT. Psych program(cost $4,000) but would it be worth it to do an online postbac then apply to another on campus postbac for research experience and professor interaction? Short of getting a second Bachelors degree (which really isn't an option I'm considering) I'm at a lost. I just want to clearly convey my interest and show that I am diligent and passionate student that can handle academic rigor.
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