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Everything posted by bluebla

  1. bluebla


    Were you offered CSGF this morning too?
  2. bluebla


    Congrats! Can you retract the NDSEG acceptance?
  3. bluebla


    NDSEG-ers, did you hear back? I figure you guys are first priority since you have another deadline..
  4. bluebla


    Maybe...though I call from my cell, which has the area code of where I grew up (NYC) vs. where I am now (CA). But they *do* know my cell number from my application, so that could be it.
  5. bluebla


    Maybe I'm the only girl who hadn't called previously? Or there's only a few of us and they just guessed well!
  6. bluebla


    Berkeley, actually But good try! I guess I tricked you a little bit because I originally came into grad school wanting to study mechanics / bio-E, and that's what the grant is in. They let me stay on it even though I picked a comp bio thesis topic as long as I do one "substantial" mechanics project for the coming year. Being free of that restriction (and not having to deal with not-so-kind administrators...though I suppose I can't blame them) is another reason getting CSGF would be awesome. Ack, the more I think about it, the more I realize it's my dream fellowship. In other news, I think this "waitlist" isn't terribly long. They guessed my name through my voice when I called just now, so I guess I'm the only girl...?
  7. bluebla


    By the way, people who got it: (1) Congrats!!! (2) Did they give you any date / deadline by which you had to accept / reject?
  8. bluebla


    Computational Biology / Biophysics. I'm not super worried about funding just yet because I'm on a NSF training grant through the next year, but the DOE would have been *amazing* for the resources + practicum. Though, of course guaranteed funding for the next 4 years vs. 1 year is a big upgrade... Oh well, good luck to both of us
  9. bluebla


    Oh wow, that's rough. I have no such time limit (I was only eligible for DOE out of the big fellowships because I have a masters), so I can imagine you're 10x as antsy as I am..
  10. bluebla


    Agh, I wish they would just notify me of SOMETHING
  11. bluebla


    I haven't gotten anything yet... this is so weird...
  12. bluebla


    It seems like some people on the results survey got it. Congrats guys!
  13. bluebla


    Agh.. I guess I should keep my hope at a very low level but it's really hard to not dream
  14. bluebla


    Did they suggest that winners had already been called and all that remained is sending out the rejections? Or no hint as to what stage of decision-making they're at?
  15. bluebla


    Sorry I doubt it means *too* much...most likely there was just one curious person on the admissions committee who looked at a few people.
  16. bluebla


    I'm starting to lose hope I was getting a lot of hits on my homepage from Ames up until 2 weeks ago, after which...nada. Seems like that's when I was cut
  17. bluebla


    Supposedly the last time they "delayed" the dates like this, it was due to the fact that they had notified their first wave and were waiting to see how many more they could offer.. Has anyone heard back??
  18. bluebla


    Interesting! The application login page always said "Early April"..
  19. As a current Berkeley student who didn't apply to the other schools on your list, I can only speak to how great it is to be here: really great. Location is wonderful, the research is awesome, I don't think I can complain about much here If you have any specific questions, I'm happy to answer them to the best of my ability.
  20. I'm a current Berkeley grad student who had an "interesting" background, though perhaps for a different program (Biophysics here). Though, I must say, your last year tops anything I ever went through, bamafan...wherever you end up will be very lucky to have someone as resilient and strong as you seem from that one sentence...
  21. Some do, I know Berkeley had a really small one last year, so don't give up hope
  22. I'm pretty sure Berkeley's interviews have all gone out..
  23. Will be attending in the fall! This thread is so empty..surely there are more of us
  24. OK, thanks They said in the email that I'd get a "pdf" from the grad divsion, though -- so electronic! Eeek, I am all kinds of paranoid. What are the chances my admit gets vetoed at that level? And yes, congrats kgumps!
  25. ahh OK. I got an call from the department LAST Tuesday and then an "unofficial" email from the department this Monday....so maybe I should wait till next week to freak out??
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