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Posts posted by collikl

  1. Today, I turned down my funded PhD offer to UW (a four year, renewable teaching assistantship); I'm a 20th century Americanist, if that helps. Best of luck!


    In addition, removing myself from the wait list at UIUC and Indiana (man, removing myself from Indiana is hard . . ) but I'm happy with my decision!



    I'm in the same boat. Would love to go there, but that money is crucial.



    Hi everybody. Long time lurker, first time poster here.


    I've been accepted to UDub, but am waitlisted for funding, which has (of course) turned fun-loving ol' me into a tightly wound ball of anxious anticipation. I appeal to the gradcafe (please) to soothe my stressing!


    Is anybody, anybody at all, planning to turn down one of Washington's precious funded offers?????

  2. To those getting word from UW: did you apply to the PhD with an MA already in hand or are you being admitted to the MA/PhD?  I'm getting restless since my application status hasn't changed (so I'm considering an implied rejection…)


    I only have two more schools to hear from and I have two acceptances (one with full funding) and one wait list.  I really just want to know where I'm going to live in 4 months. 


    I completely understand that anxiety! Personally, I already have an MA in hand, so I'm a straight up PhD applicant.

  3. No seriously. When I was in my MA program, the only way I could motivate myself to blog about my research was to blog about food at the same time. So you'd get a recipe and some theory thrown in, haha.


    I actually do have a food blog that I started this year to keep my spirits up while applying. If anyone wants the site, I'll PM it to you. It isn't written well or anything, but I just wanted to share recipes I've tried with my friends. 

  4. Yeah, this is my second application season, I know that life goes on but it's really encouraging to hear your story. I really appreciate the kind words. I know it isn't the only school that I'd be happy at, and I'm fortunate to have gotten into a few decent semi-funded MA programs. I need to focus on doing well at one of those instead of wallowing in misery. That campus just really really felt like home but I got a little fixated on the school.


    I've always been a little untraditional. I guess there's nothing wrong with enjoying the ride and putting in the extra time, but I really needed to have that reminder. Congratulations on your acceptance. It sounds incredibly well-deserved. I'm sure that having to work that much harder to continue on has made you a stronger an applicant and more confident in your goals. Hopefully I'll be there someday too. :)


    Just want to send you some positive vibes too. This is my third round of PhD apps, and I'm presently in the same position I was two years ago-- two wait lists (last time, neither panned out, including one at my dream school). In the meantime, my SO has been pursuing his PhD in the same field, so I feel you. I'm surrounded by friends pursuing what I have not been accepted to do yet and was rejected from the past two years. It's HARD. But you just keep going. You keep trying. You don't let the system beat you down (at least too much . . .). Coming to this site is always oddly uplifting, because we're all going through this together, both good and bad. :)

  5. Uh oh. A new BU rejection?

    Yup. That was mine. Personalized email, received about 20 minutes ago. My app was PhD only, since I already have a MA. I appreciated the tone of the email and that they let me know fairly quickly after those acceptances went up.

    "Thank you for your interest in Boston University's graduate program in English. Unfortunately, we cannot admit you into this year's class. We

    received approximately 230 applications for our relatively small program and so could not accommodate many qualified candidates. I apologize for the impersonal nature of this email, but the Graduate Admissions Committee and I thought it best to inform applicants of their status as quickly as possible. The Graduate School of the College of Arts and Sciences at Boston University will mail official letters within the next

    few weeks. Thank you again for your interest and best wishes."

  6. This is sweet. I've been on gradcafe the last few years. I'm a longtime lurker that pops on now and again. I'm on my third round of PhD applications, and it's still unclear if it will work out for me this year. But I can't complain about the last two years and the life I've led outside of the PhD program I hoped I'd be in-- I'm a librarian! Rejection or not, life just keeps on keepin on. :)

  7. Sorry to hijack this as well, but do you know if they're still making decisions? I haven't heard, and I know they've given out acceptances and a bunch of rejections, so perhaps I'm wait listed? also: CONGRATS!!!!


    I'm in the same boat as you-- no news from Columbia (where my dream POI is). On another board, I noticed a third person, in addition to the two of us, who had not heard anything either. I don't know if rejections are going out in waves, but I will continue to hope we'll all get good news.


    I already have a MA, so I wouldn't have put in contention for that, only the PhD; I don't know if that would affect when my rejection/waitlist would go out? 

  8. I emailed the coordinator to ask about where they were in the process. Here's the response:

    "Our admissions committee is completing their second (and final round of readings). Notifications will begin going out in early March and will continue to be sent throughout that month and early April (depending on how quickly our initial offers are accepted or declined)."

    Hope that helps?


    That does--thanks!!

  9. Former Georgetown MA here. I'm not sure how many apps are received on average, but Gtown usually has about 30 people in its incoming class, with maybe 1/3 of those getting funding of some sort? Feel free to PM me if you have more questions. It's an AMAZING program.

    Of course no one here is really going to have concrete information in this, unless they work for the admissions! But I would be inclined to think it a good sign. I mean why CC the potential advisor? Who know though right? I wouldn't assume anything until you officially hear, that way it's not too much of a disappointment if it's a no go.

    Does anyone know the admissions statistics for the Georgetown MA?? I know I found some statistics on how many they admit one day back when I was applying, but now I cannot find it! I just see so many green posts... Considering it's my last school, I have so much invested in getting an acceptance and then praying like there's no tomorrow that they offer me some kind of funding. Because 40,000 a year in tuition is just impossible.

  10. Long time lurker here. This is actually my third consecutive application cycle (with a fourth one back in '09 when I applied to PhDs and MAs, and ended up getting my MA-- which, I will throw out there, was an amazing experience).


    My first cycle I applied to only 4 schools as I was finishing my MA (writing a thesis, classes, teaching). I received two waitlists (including one at my dream school) but nothing panned out.


    My second cycle I applied to 11 schools and got nothing. All flat rejections.


    Now I'm on my third cycle, and I've applied to 20 schools. Right now I'm sitting on 4 outright rejections, with a potential 6 or so implicit rejections. 


    The truth is . . .it's hard! The process beats us all up. People tell you that it's a competitive process, which only makes you think-- Well, aren't I competitive? It's random and strange and completely illogical. You try to live your day to day life despite the fear hanging over your head-- is this the day? Who will I hear from today? It's relentless (for me, only made worse by my partner and my birthdays, as well as Valentines day, right smack dab in the worst of notification season). 


    All you can really do is be persistent. Keep up with scholarship. Retake the GREs. Write the DGS at schools you've been rejected from and ask for feedback. Try to get published. And most of all, don't lose hope. I can tell you that I've had numerous conversations with my SO (who is in his second year of a fantastic English PhD program) about what I (and we) will do if this doesn't pan out. It's good to have a game plan, but at the end of the day, as much as you whine and complain and bemoan this field, and the application process, and the eventual job market . . . you just hope. It's the best any of us can do.


    Sorry if I rambled, but man, that was cathartic. :)

  11. I haven't seen anything on the boards for U Michigan rejections. I applied and haven't heard anything yet. Have you created a Wolverine friend account to check your application status online? My information is listed in there but it all seems pretty ambiguous.


    I'm in the same boat. My Wolverine friend account doesn't list anything about application status. Ouf.

  12. YAYYY!


    I don't know what just happened, but I got emailed today that I've been accepted off of the waitlist at UNC! Yesterday they'd said it would be a few weeks before I'd have an answer, but maybe a bunch of people with my same interests all just jumped the ship--if you're a person who gave up your spot, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can't believe I'm actually going to grad school.  :o

  13. YES. WHAT IS GOING ON? Hahaha. Michigan is still a total longshot for me, but I haven't mentally removed it from my list like I have with Stanford, Penn, Brown, Cornell, etc. Mostly because I lurve it so much that I know I'm going to take the rejection really hard. Anyway, I just want someone to hear something already!  :blink:


    Ditto! Michigan is SUCH a good fit (and commutable distance from my fella) so I'm dying-- please put me out of my misery, Michigan!

  14. I've been long distance with my guy for the past 18 months or so and my acceptances to PhD programs will also dictate whether or not that continues. I basically have to stop myself from thinking about it before I have all the pieces of the puzzle...because there's no use worrying about something that might not be a problem. 


    Are any of your other schools close by? Could you commute? 


    Thanks for the note, and I hope this year works out for you. :)


    I'm completely on board with you about there being no use worrying, but it's so hard not to worry, haha.


    Luckily, my last two schools I am waiting to hear from are commutable distances, so if I got in to either, it would be a marvelous situation for me (versus others schools I applied to and was rejected from that were quite far away).


    The only upside to not getting in anywhere is that I get to live with my guy for another year. But either option hurts (school and long distance/ no school and live together).


    I enjoy my life: I finally got a job, got a great guy and a cat, so being in this situation for another year would be fine. It's just not what I want to be doing, as I've always known I wanted to get a PhD and teach at the college level. So it's hard to have to wait on those plans since I know they're the ones I want (and cause my boyfriend already started his PhD this year-- we had hoped to stay on a similar time track so we could go on the job market together).

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