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Everything posted by dirichletprior

  1. I think you have a good shot at the schools you listed. The only downside I see to your application is the lack of a mathematical linear algebra class.
  2. Your GPA is definitely on the lower end for Columbia, Yale, UW, and UMich, but your research experience and coursework are on par. In general, I would recommend applying to many programs (provided you are interested in the research there). The T20 Statistics PhD programs are incredibly competitive nowadays and accept 5-10% of applicants.
  3. Any idea why reviews won't be available until April 17? Is it usually the case that results come out before reviews?
  4. As someone who applied this cycle, I would encourage you to take as much math (specifically analysis) as possible. I think that, in general, applicants to Statistics PhD programs are coming in with more and more math background every year. Since the GRE/Math GRE are being phased out of admissions, the only way the committee can assess your math background is via your previous coursework. In fact, one of the professors on the admissions committee of a school to which I was admitted told me that every year, they are looking to admit students with stronger and stronger math backgrounds. And admissions aside, taking more analysis will ease the transition from undergrad to PhD.
  5. I have not. I know that they have sent out some interview invites, although it is unclear whether they interview all applicants or only international ones.
  6. @thermoflask101 To my understanding, if you have not already received a decision then you are on an unofficial waitlist. I am in the same boat–no decision yet.
  7. @coughcoughcoffee NSF plans to give (up to) 250 more awards this year. The solicitation from last year said 2,500 awards, and this one states 2,750.
  8. Don't mean to be pessimistic, but it looks like the funding rate last year was around 1-2%. So even if you make it to the DoD panel, only one in thirty of those individuals will actually receive the fellowship. ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DoD_NDSEG_Fellowship
  9. Finally got an update!?
  10. It would be so funny if these edits meant absolutely nothing. Still nothing for me since Nov 23.
  11. Is everyone still at the stage "Subject Matter Experts Panel Review"?
  12. @manifestinggoodvibes My last edits were on Nov. 23. Wow–that would be sad if I were out of the running already.
  13. Still no update for me... AFOSR Computer Science. Maybe the order in which applications are reviewed is dependent upon subject area, not branch?
  14. To be clear, I am 100% certain that I submitted the application with all required materials.
  15. Hi all! I received the following email this morning from NDSEG, although I submitted my application a few days before the deadline. Did anyone else get this?
  16. I do not see why not! But I am also not too knowledgeable about PhD admissions.
  17. Congrats on all of your accomplishments! Your math background looks solid and your GPA/test scores are impeccable.
  18. Thank you for your thoughtful support and advice @Econometrician.
  19. Hi everyone, I graduated this past May and am in the process of applying for Statistics PhD programs! I already posted my profile as a junior, but I will add an updated one. Through my undergraduate research experiences, I have become highly interested in the subject statistical machine learning (statistical properties of machine learning models). My advisors are recommending that I apply to "top programs," but I am worried about the competitiveness of the applicant pool. Does anyone have suggestions for safer schools I could apply to that also suit my research interests? I do not mean to brag, and I realize that I am very lucky to be in the position I am in. I am just worried about potentially striking out with my applications. I appreciate any and all thoughts/advice. My List Statistics PhD: Berkeley, Stanford, Harvard, Carnegie Mellon, UWashington, Columbia, Penn, Cornell Operations Research PhD: Princeton, MIT Profile Undergrad Institution: Top 5 USNWR Majors: Statistics, Mathematics (double major) GPA: 4.0/4.0 (major), 3.98 (cumulative) GRE: 333 (169Q + 164V + 5.5) Type of Student: Domestic White Male Programs Applying: Statistics, Operations Research Research Experience: Senior thesis: theory of neural network training, with a high-profile professor in my department NSF REU: modeling PDEs via neural networks (have been working on this research for > 1 year, will result in a publication) Applied Stats: did not publish, but produced some interesting results Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Best Thesis in Statistics Department, Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude, other GPA-related things Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Working as a research assistant at a well-known university during my year off between undergrad and grad school Teaching assistant for three semesters in undergrad, both undergrad and grad courses Coding Skills: Python, C, SQL,R Relevant Classes, Grades: Math/Statistics: Calculus II & III, Ordinary Differential Equations, Intensive Linear Algebra, Probability Theory, Statistical Inference, Multivariate Statistics, Vector Analysis (i.e. Analysis of Manifolds), Real Analysis I & II (included general measure theory), Measure-theoretic Probability, Abstract Algebra (groups and rings), Linear Models, Mathematical Optimization I & II, Machine Learning, Causal Inference (all A's) (all proof-based except for calculus) Computer Science: Introduction to Computer Science, Data Structures, Object-oriented Programming (all A's)
  20. Have you taken any courses in data structures or systems programming? I imagine it would be near-impossible (if not impossible period) into a top CS program without doing so.
  21. Just a fellow applicant here, but your math background is what dreams are made of (seriously, I'm jealous). I am sure you have a great shot at all those schools you listed and will almost surely get into one. Also, I don't think not having a super strong third letter of recommendation will diminish your already stellar profile. Big congratulations.
  22. I am wondering if anyone has insight into about how many PhD programs to which one should apply? I am looking at programs in statistics and operations research and have about 13-15 departments at which I could envision myself. Am I casting too wide a net, too narrow? Looking at the past admissions results, the variance in the number of programs to which prospective students apply seems quite large.
  23. Hi all, I am wondering about the role of the GRE general test and math subject test in the upcoming application cycle(s!) Particularly, I know that Stanford recently dropped their Math GRE subject test requirement, and the only school I can find which still requires/encourages the exam is Chicago. Does this mean that taking the math GRE is by all means useless for submitting statistics applications, or is there some merit to taking and submitting it for top programs? I am not sure if I should budget my following summer to burying my head in calculus, analysis, and algebra textbooks (groan). Also, how stringent are schools about the GRE quant score? It seems like many top programs have a crazy high ranges (169-170). I recently took the exam and got a 169 quant; I am a bit worried that I need to retake if this puts me on the low(er) end. Thanks in advance.
  24. I am wondering if there are any particular math or stats courses which may be beneficial for my application to a competitive stats PhD program. I have just completed my junior year and am in the process of scheduling courses for the Fall 2021 semester. So far, I have taken: Calculus sequence (II, III), Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory, Vector Calculus, Introductory Real Analysis (metric spaces, Banach spaces, Hilbert spaces, etc.), Real Analysis (Lebesgue measure, Fourier series, general measure spaces, Hausdorff measure), Introductory Algebra (groups and rings), Probability Theory I and II (Casella & Berger– sequence for stats PhD), Measure-theoretic Probability (also stats PhD sequence). I appreciate any advice/suggestions. ☺️
  25. Thanks @Stat Assistant Professor for your detailed and helpful reply! One additional question I forgot to add in my additional post: is taking a year or two off in between undergraduate frowned upon? I'm not planning on applying my senior year and ideally would like to spend some time not in school before I dive into a graduate program.
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