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Everything posted by Southwestteacher

  1. I really thought I would have decided by now! I am feeling torn between two programs. One program is a combined counseling/school psych phd and one is a school psych phd. I do feel that at the combined program, I would have the advantage of learning about both counseling and school, however I would need to take prerequisites which would equal more time in school aka more debt (and years of my life..currently 29!) For the combined program, I also would not have to relocate which would save on moving expenses. At the other school, I felt like my research and mentor match were spot on. Also, I think since it is an APA approved program and they offer a year of counseling practicum that I would still have options career-wise. However, I would have to move and into what seems to be a difficult rental market. Hoping to finally decide by Friday. This is much harder than I anticipated!!
  2. Many of the faculty members at University of Utah do interesting research on ASD. You may want to check that program out.
  3. Found this slack group that has a ton of resources and great people to network with. It seems to be primarily counseling and clinical individuals, but I think it would be great to bring school psych into the conversation. Thought I would pass it along! https://join.slack.com/t/psychinout/shared_invite/zt-ly3nslz9-8EwXLR2HhpRFDxinkiyOcQ
  4. I think research fit is important! Especially if you are pretty interested in doing research in your career. Obviously I wouldn't recommend moving somewhere you would hate living, but I do think research is a huge component of pursing a PhD so you want to make sure you have the best fit possible (both research content and mentor personality).
  5. Yeah so true. I was worried about this, too. I did get full funding and TA in my admissions letter, so I wasn't sure if once you were in the program there were other ways to secure funding for the next year. Some of the students I spoke said they were able to secure funding all 4 years, but definitely concerning.
  6. Yes, so true! I've heard a general guideline is to not hold onto more than two offers unless there is specific information missing (a visit is scheduled, funding is pending, etc.) or you are waiting to receive info from a program. Good luck hearing back and making decisions!
  7. Anyone else on here thinking of attending University of Montana? Would love to connect!
  8. This is the same as a waitlist. Most schools I have received this notification from use alternate for waitlist. If you say yes you are choosing to remain on the waitlist--not committing to anything. Also, sometimes you can ask for your position on the waitlist. If they asked you to remain available for an orientation..maybe you are high on the waitlist? But I do not know that for sure!
  9. Has anyone gotten accepted into the NAU combined counseling/school psych program?
  10. I've noticed that with the schools that I got into vs. the one that I got waitlisted post-interview that I was MUCH more relaxed and myself in the interviews. I do not typically feel like this happens for me...usually I am nervous and stumble during my interviews. However, in the schools that I got into I felt like I really connected with the faculty and it was a mutual fit and it felt like more of a conversation. At one of my top choices, I am an alternate and I felt very nervous and knew I messed up during the interview. I think timing was a big part of this too because my interview was only 15 minutes for that one so I felt pressured to answer quickly/concisely. I know this is probably not that helpful, but really try to be your self and relax and think about the answers. I also created questions based on looking at the program manual and my PI's research that I really wanted to know the answer to instead of just asking questions to have questions prepared. GOOD LUCK!
  11. Hi, you can private message me if you would like! I was one of the Montana posts on results.
  12. Hi, I am curious how you inquired about your waitlist status without sounding too pushy? I just received a waitlist notification from my top choice and was hoping to follow up to inquire for more information and hopefully learn of my spot on the list. I do have another offer that I am strongly considering.
  13. I feel this!! I just had my first 15 minute interview. It felt SO quick and I don't feel that I got a good sense of the advisor or that they did with me. I feel like I wasn't as composed in my interview because I was so aware of how concise my answers needed to be. I much preferred my interviews that were at least 30-40 minutes.
  14. Hi! I did hear this afternoon as well. Thanks for the response. I currently live in Flagstaff, so I am glad to hear about the interview invite!
  15. Hi! Has anyone heard from the combined PhD program at NAU??
  16. This part is making me nervous, too! I know I am interviewing at a spot where there is only 1 opening. There were 5 of us that showed up to interview for that one spot. All the other candidates seem great too!
  17. I am waiting on NAU as well. Haven't heard anything yet.
  18. Happy birthday! AND CONGRATS! My birthday is feb 10th and I am hoping I get good news as a bday gift as well.
  19. Sorry to hear this! Rejections are never easy to handle. I hope your other interviews go well!
  20. So sorry to hear this! I feel you. I have been having a horrible application season so far as well. I do have one upcoming interview and I am waiting to hear back from a couple more schools. I am so nervous and feeling like I may have to apply again next year. Fingers crossed that we all hear some good news.
  21. Congrats!! I am happy for you! Just out of curiosity did you ever hear from Utah? I assuming I did not get an invite but was just curious if you ever heard anything.
  22. I am also curious about Utah! I saw a couple on the results page. Was it by PI or mass email?
  23. I haven't heard anything from UVA yet! So I am assuming your waitlist is an alternate interview waitlist. I did read someone else who has received a rejection from UVA today. I am assuming I will receive and update on my application sometime soon? Otherwise, I'm confused!
  24. I think that is such a good thing to point out! I definitely would not have thought about that. I am not sure if I have any group interviews. If I do though I will be sure to keep your reflections in mind. Thanks for sharing your insight.
  25. I can completely relate to this! My boyfriend and I are trying to navigate this process as well. We are currently living in Flagstaff and I applied to the Combined counseling/school psych program here at NAU. For that reason, I would LOVE to get an interview here and I like the combined factor. I don't think I will hear for a little while though because they had a later deadline. I was also very intentional in applying to places that we would both like to live in. Hopefully Buffalo works out for you! I've heard great things about the program.
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