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  1. The DCT at Virginia Tech let me know that some first offers have been extended and "because of the new budget, we must now wait on replies from those before making further decisions." I think this means either my POI extended an offer to someone else or he no longer gets a guaranteed spot for a grad student. Ah, going nuts, if either of the other applicants who interviewed with JR are on here could you please message me!
  2. I dont think it would be weird to check in.
  3. I got an email on Monday from my PI saying decisons will take longer this year because they have to redo the budget due to two professors (probably a couple?) announcing they were going to be leaving just last week.
  4. Does anyone know when UW Milwaukee is making their post-interview decisions for clinical psych? Virginia Tech? Northwestern (weinberg)?
  5. I interviewed with UGA last week and looks like someone got accepted today, I'm wondering if they can let me know which POI it was, can DM me if more comfortable. Thanks
  6. I thought those were referring to the developmental clinical science program, which accepts right away without interview. Some people put it in as Dev. Clinical Science and some just did Clinical Psychology but referred to 'ICD' in their comments. One did not, but odd that interview offers would go out for Minnesota and only one person would post about it.
  7. At what point should I reach out to Minnesota Clinical Program to ask about timeline for interview offers and interview days? It seems like no one has heard yet from them and they are my top choice. This is not applicable for ICD which is all that has been posted on results so far, I think.
  8. Did anyone interviewing with UGA get their interview schedule sent to them yet? My interview is Monday and I will probably email them by Friday if there is no word from them.
  9. Minnesota (clinical psych and not ICD) is making me lose my hair, it is my top choice and it is radio silence.
  10. Any intel on Minnesota, Northwestern Wein., or UPitt and their timelines? Clinical
  11. I'm referring to Clinical. I know nothing for sure, i was just going off last year because their invites went out around this time and something in me just thought they would tell people before Feb 1st. I guess I was wrong.
  12. Anyone else super nervous that Minnesota will extend invitations today??? I'm looking at my phone and email and really hoping.
  13. I'm glad I'm not alone in this predicament. After applying three times, and feeling like a nuisance to my recommenders, I really don't know what to do if I don't make it in. I want to do research, not just be a clinician, so alternatives are looking scarce. I'll move with my partner and contemplate trying again, but it is hard not to feel hopeless.
  14. Anyone else on the same boat where they have a partner also applying to PhD programs right now? They have 8 interviews and will probably get accepted to many (50-70% acceptance rate for his program if you have an interview), but only one of my schools that I have an interview with is nearby. Life is just crazy right now.
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