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Everything posted by MHH

  1. To all who are still waiting for UChicago, Here is what I got from Prof. Tokmakoff and Prof. Moellering: At this point we do not expect to make any more admissions for our 2021 class. We received many more strong applications than we were able to accept into the program. I wish you the best of luck with your applications and future endeavors.
  2. Is there anyone who has not heard back from Berkeley? It seems like they sent out rejections very slowly... and I don't know if they would not send out acceptance anymore. International students in theoretical chem here.
  3. I'm still waiting for Columbia. Chemical physics though. And I would assume that they've done with acceptance.
  4. I did get this and I also applied to theoretical chem. I am not sure if this indicates rejection ?
  5. Hi I am also in theoretical track and have not heard back from MIT, Berkeley, and Caltech (no interview). Have been accepted by UT Austin, UCSD, and Northwestern. Hope more theoretical people can share their information!
  6. I am an international student and in the theoretical chem subfield. Got a phone call informing me the acceptance on Dec 30 and received the official letter on Jan 6. Hope this helps!
  7. Hi I did not receive interview invitation as well, and I also believe that I am a strong applicant. However, Caltech is so small that it could only admit few people. What I want to say is that once we submitted our package, we could control nothing evermore. The only thing we could do is to wait. Maybe you are right; Caltech would accept people w/o interviews. Maybe you are wrong; we've already been eliminated. Not until we receive the decision could we tell which is true.
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