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  1. Was pretty keen on NYU (deposit down) but got off the waitlist for Northwestern and feeling a big unclear (both magazine track)!! I think I want NYU because better location for jobs, seems like massive internship connects, and I prefer the longer program. Would I be making a big mistake? Both amazing programs I’m so grateful but I could use some insight if anyone has!!
  2. Congratulations!!! Wishing you luck with financial aid!! I’m waiting on an email not a call so I’m in such suspense right now... but amazing to hear from everyone!!!
  3. Omg that is so amazing! Congratulations!!! Ah!
  4. So sorry to hear about all that, but def don’t think you should could yourself out! Completely not unheard of to be accepted without the interview. My fingers are v crossed for you!! Good luck today!! and congrats on USC and Berkeley!
  5. Thank you!!!
  6. I applied round 2 as well! You were meant to schedule an interview I believe though? I think it was optional. I could be completely wrong if it varies based on specialization. I applied for magazine. Good luck!!!
  7. For those of us who haven’t heard from Medill, I think today or tomorrow! Has to be by tomorrow but results indicate some notifications come on thursdays too. So nervous...
  8. I also got no scholarship As @jennifer7said!! Good luck!! Wishing you the best
  9. Actually just got the email! Admitted good luck to everyone
  10. I know it’s really killing me. I presume any day now
  11. Interesting interesting! Well first off congratulations guess we’ll see what goes on with the magazine track in due time
  12. Yeah wondering this too. Also applied to that. I don’t have a US number. I’m guessing they don’t call everyone?? Some portals will just be updated? No one on results page has gotten any news via emails yet. But honestly idk I’m just guessing/reasoning/grasping at straws? I hope we hear back within the next few days regardless.
  13. Seems like they typically send out decisions towards the end of the week, but I’ll be on the edge of my seat til then :)!!!
  14. Medill round 2 should be coming out soon I guess! Did anyone hear yesterday? I’m not sure they’ll send out acceptances on a Saturday but who knows. Round 1 came out so early I’m surprised there were no updates to results page yesterday! Guess we’ll wait and see. Good luck as always guys!
  15. I only know for Medill!
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