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  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
  • Program
    MFA Creative Writing--Prose Track

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  1. Just fyi, someone reported a wait-list for fiction in Draft for Notre Dame! (I believe they were one of the people who had an interview last week based off their username, so that tracks.) Just wanted to let all fellow waiters for ND know. @KennyK, thinking of you specifically!
  2. Ahhhh, that's so exciting! Congratulations!! You just gave me hope ND might still have a chance for me yet, because I was convinced that they'd sent out all their interview requests on the same day (I.e. yesterday, Monday). Maybe there's hope, ha! I haven't interviewed with them yet (just hoping to make it that far in the process, frankly), but I live here in South Bend, and actually work on campus already, so I can (try?) and help if you have any questions about campus life or anything like that in general about the area. Feel free to DM me if you'd like, and best of luck with your interview!
  3. Congrats, did you get one? Do you know if the email mentioned that was all of them that are going out or if they were doing it in stages or anything? Hoping the best for you [and all of us] regardless. ❤️
  4. From past years, I'm pretty sure they send out the emails for interviews all at once. That being said, I've never made it that far (this is my 5th year in a row applying), so I don't know totally. I see there are two notifications so far for interviews on the Draft spreadsheet, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see. ❤️ Solidarity to y'all who haven't received one yet--I'm in the same boat as well. I guess we'll just have to keep pushing through. Hope some of us at least get good news soon! Also, I don't have time to do all of the reacts of congratulations, but to all the Iowa and Columbia and every other acceptances/waitlists--go, go, go!!! Massive, massive congratulations, and I hope all of your writing dreams come true. ❤️ God bless you guys!
  5. @pananoprodigy and @everything bagel lover WWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for y'all!!!!! Congratulations, and I hope everyone else receives good news soon (including me, haha!)!!! I just freaking *love* seeing y'all succeed and grow--it's still, hands down, the best part of application season, seeing everyone's excitement and growth and all that that entails! ❤️❤️❤️
  6. Yes, this is very much one of the paths I'm considering for class taking if I don't get in this year. Aside from getting to know some of the professors, I would so very much love to be back in a collegiate workshop setting; creative writing classes were some of my favorites in undergrad, and they were so generative and useful for me as an artist, both then and now. How's your season going? Are you in a program currently, applying this cycle, etc.? Best of luck in all of it regardless!
  7. I haven't, no! My novel I want to make my thesis in there is a historical fiction love story that takes place in Ireland during the Great Potato Famine and the years immediately preceding, and possibly after, as well, so the two classes I've taken (am currently taking them, actually) are relevant to the research I need to do for my novel anyway. I'm taking the Irish language because my main character would have spoken Irish historically, and I'm also taking a broad survey of Irish history to give me a sense of grounding in terms of where to focus my research and help me with the context of some of the larger thematic concepts I'm working on weaving into my novel.
  8. @KennyK I'm not positive, tbh. I think it's varied in past years. They only recently started doing interviews a couple of cycles ago, so there's relatively low data on same day vs separate day notification for poetry and prose interviews thus far. The moment I hear anything, I'll keep you posted on here, promise! ❤️
  9. Yeah, from what I've heard, the MFA program tends to be a great place for genre experimentation and interdisciplinary work. (The cross-departmental collaborations are a huge part of the reason I want to attend as well, and they're investing in so many cool initiatives on campus during the next decade of their strategic plan...it's an exciting time to be here! :)) The creative writing program partners with a lot of relevant initiatives on campus--one of my favorites is the Initiative on Race and Resilience, and if I get in, I'm really, really hoping to encourage, partner with, and develop more programming between these two academic powerhouses here on campus!
  10. Also, re: all my encouraging words above: my heart just officially died inside, so take that as you will. 🤣 We can do it, guys!!!! Regardless, we're all in this together! ❤️ Edit: two poetry interview notifications for ND in draft!! @KennyK, I'll keep you posted if I see anything for fiction or hear anything in Draft regarding other things for ND! ❤️
  11. I think they tend to have between 200-300 applicants each year, and accept only 4 or 5 in each genre (poetry or prose). It's a tough gig, but there's always hope. Good luck to you! (PS I moved out here to Notre Dame/South Bend from my hometown on a leap of faith back after my first application season in 2021, and I can say that the classroom experience (what I've been able to glean thus far (I work at ND full time right now, and am utilizing the employee educational benefit I get as a full-time staff member to take up to 9 credit hours per year for free--I'm taking a language class and a history class relevant to the research for my novel, and LOVING them so, so much) has been stellar, and there's just generally a lot of nice people around here, so you'll be in good hands if you get in. I also know a few people from the current cohort, and they're lovely as can be, so we'd both be in good company if we gained admittance! Keep the faith, and don't give up--when it's your time, it'll come! ❤️ God bless you!
  12. Same! What did you apply for? This is my fifth year in a row applying for the prose track; just letting you know you're not alone, and we've got this, together! Praying for success for the both of us! ❤️
  13. Oh, of course! I appreciate the info--that's actually the most I've ever learned about their interview process! Thanks so much for letting me know, and congratulations again on getting it! I really hope it goes well for you--it's a great program overall.
  14. Hi, that's so exciting! I'm a fourth time fiction applicant (Notre Dame is the only school I applied to this year), and I was just wondering if you knew whether the director had said all the emails had gone out for interviews? I haven't received anything yet, and I don't want to give up hope (but also want to be realistic--this is my fourth year in a row applying, ha!). Congrats, and I'm very excited for you. Keep us posted on when/how the interview goes!
  15. Thanks dear! ❤️ And yes, it's my top (and only!) one. Congrats on CU Boulder!! I hope you have an amazing time there--it's so beautiful in Colorado!
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