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Posts posted by MZC

  1. On 1/25/2021 at 4:32 PM, LCZ said:


    Hello and thank you! There was a short interview for UT. I did mine with Joshua Barbour who I hope to work with. I have also been talking with Brian Houston and Debbie Dougherty at Mizzou. I want to do organizational communication but I ma waiting on funding packages to make the big decision.

    I have two friends, one in Mizzou's Ph.D. program and one at Cornell's and I asked them about their school's process. My Mizzou friend gave me nothing but my Cornell friend gave me insight since his advisor is on the review team. They all have read them and they should be meeting Tuesday (1/26) to evaluate them all together and see advisor fit. Then there is an interview process with potential advisors then a week or 2 after that offers should go out. But, again, COVID has mussed with all the timelines.

    Oh that's so interesting. I reached out to IS and was told that they don't interview all of the candidates they end up accepting. I think the interview requests did already go out, and I was told results will go out in the 2 weeks after Feb 5.  

  2. Hi! 

    New here :)

    My interests: the intersection of tech and human rights, specifically, data ethics, privacy, and surveillance.

    Applied to Cornell InfoSci, UPenn Comm, NYU MCC, and a few history of science programs. 

    Has anyone on this thread heard from Cornell Info Sci? I noticed on the results page that some interview requests were sent out yesterday. Anxiously waiting...

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