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    Wuglette got a reaction from coco_SLP in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    I received the email at 9:02AM. Try not to stress too much! ?
  2. Like
    Wuglette reacted to 2021speechie in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    To be honest, myself and two of my good friends received waitlist emails from McGill today & our stats are completely different. I would try not to worry so much about who has what stats & just be patient & see what happens (easier said than done I know!).
    I think one thing McGill really emphasizes is research & thats the only thing that none of us had a lot of experience with... So maybe you have a better chance if you have lots of research experience? But for reference, one girl had no SLP experience, one girl had some with kids, and I had 300ish hours with various age groups. We all had pretty high GPAs (all got MMIs at Mac). Two of us are fluent in French. 
    I'm just trying to say that there are so many little factors that they will value with different applications you will drive yourself crazy trying to figure out if you got in or not... I'm sure you will hear soon.
    Good luck! I hope you get some good news!
  3. Like
    Wuglette reacted to anitnelav in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    Hi everyone! I just got an acceptance email from McGill! 
  4. Like
    Wuglette reacted to 2021speechie in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    Ya I asked how many people were waitlisted and how many people from the wait list usually get accepted and they said that they couldn't tell me
  5. Like
    Wuglette got a reaction from Miya in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    Thanks for asking! Did they mention at all how many people are on the waiting list? It's frustrating that they can't provide us with a bit more information! 
  6. Like
    Wuglette reacted to MiaSLP in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    I didn’t ask the total number  just if we could know our current position! I feel like they wouldn’t of told me anyways... 
  7. Like
    Wuglette reacted to MiaSLP in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    For those of you waitlisted at McGill, I asked them about the waitlist and they said they are unable to tell us where we are on the list  
  8. Like
    Wuglette reacted to Miya in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    Exciting stuff! I have only applied to UdeM so I'm not waiting for a McGill reply but seeing the first offers go out makes it more real!
    Best of luck everyone! I really hope you'll all be accepted.
  9. Like
    Wuglette reacted to Terre-neuvien in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    Oh my gosh. There goes all my concentration today ? best of luck everyone ?
  10. Like
    Wuglette reacted to coco_SLP in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    I also find this a bit strange! Perhaps they're in the process of calling people as well, and that takes longer? I'm not sure. In the past they've typically done either acceptances first, or done acceptances and right after/almost simultaneously did waitlists and rejections. I've heard of schools sending out all 3 at the same time so all responses go out at once, but I've never heard of waitlists going first. 
    I haven't heard back yet, so I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad one ? either way, it means they've made their decisions so I imagine we'll find out soon enough
  11. Like
    Wuglette got a reaction from SpeechieAlly in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    I just got an email from McGill saying that I am on their waitlist, and my status changed on uApply. Does anyone know if McGill will disclose where on the waitlist applicants are? 
  12. Like
    Wuglette got a reaction from wuglifelmao in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    This really confused me too, lol. 
  13. Like
    Wuglette reacted to Want2BeAnSLP in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    Congrats to those who have been waitlisted for McGill! I still haven't heard anything from them so I'm really anxious. Anyone know when we can expect to hear for certain?
  14. Like
    Wuglette reacted to coco_SLP in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    Hey everyone, 
    McGill updated their website that they will be hosting their annual prospective students day on March 27th. Typically by that time they've usually sent out all of the acceptances, rejections, and waitlists around a week prior. I know we're all pretty confident they'll be sending them out this week or next so this isn't super surprising news, but nonetheless I thought I'd draw attention to this for those who might be interested  I had checked this yesterday and it said date TBA, but now they've put one up.
  15. Like
    Wuglette reacted to MiaSLP in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    Me too!
  16. Like
    Wuglette got a reaction from MiaSLP in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    You should be fine! When I went to accept the waitlist offer it said that I had until April 15th to respond. Good luck!  
  17. Like
    Wuglette got a reaction from heynowheynow in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    I just got an email from McGill saying that I am on their waitlist, and my status changed on uApply. Does anyone know if McGill will disclose where on the waitlist applicants are? 
  18. Like
    Wuglette reacted to coco_SLP in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    Oh wow, thanks for the update! This makes it all feel real right now! Also congrats on making it onto the waitlist, I know a direct acceptance is ideal but you still have a good chance if you're on the waitlist! I'm not sure about if they disclose waitlist positions though, sorry.
    I haven't heard from them and I just checked uApply and it still says "In Review". 
  19. Like
    Wuglette reacted to SLP2020!! in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    Hello Everyone!
    For those who applied to McGill, my coworker graduated from McGill speech last year and one of her friends who is still in the program told her applicants will find out next week!
    Just thought I would let everyone know so you're not constantly checking your email this week like me
  20. Like
    Wuglette reacted to rmaam in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    Hi ! I just found out about this forum. 
    I'm currently applying for the Master in Speech Therapy at the University Ottawa.
    Is there anyone applying there too ? 
    Best of luck,
  21. Like
    Wuglette got a reaction from rmaam in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    Haha! The same thing happened to me! My heart literally stopped for a second when I saw the email from Ottawa that was personally addressed to me, and then I was really disappointed when I found out what it really was about! Lol! This waiting period is so painful!
  22. Like
    Wuglette reacted to coco_SLP in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    In regards to McGill, I just want to add that they usually take a bit to send all of them out, and they don't always call! I looked at the 2020 forum, and they called a bunch of people on the 11th, then didn't contact anyone else for several days until March 16th when they sent out some additional acceptance emails (to people they never called the week before) as well as they sent out waitlists and rejections on the 16th as well. 
    So, if you don't receive a call, you might still have a chance and they might send out more later, sort of in waves. 
  23. Like
    Wuglette got a reaction from MiaSLP in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    Np! And apparently it's actually members of the faculty that make the calls!
  24. Like
    Wuglette reacted to MiaSLP in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    Wow okay! Thanks for sharing that
  25. Like
    Wuglette got a reaction from MiaSLP in 2021 Canadian SLP Thread   
    It looks like they actually call, so it can take a few days to contact everyone. 
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