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Everything posted by ChrisBJ

  1. I think my rejection is on the way...
  2. I don't think GRE matters for UPenn this year. I believe your writing sample values more. I did not submit mine either. Also waiting to hear from UPenn.
  3. Hello everyone, has anyone heard anything from UPenn, Penn State, Maryland and Kansas? Many thanks for your feedback!
  4. I see. I have a friend who is a phd right now at UF's art history department, and she also majored in archaeology in undergraduate. From what I heard from her, the department is very supportive in terms of language studies and allows students to take language courses. Keep this information in mind just in case you need it next year (but I sincerely hope you will get into your dream program this year!).
  5. A big big congrats again to you!!!
  6. Not to discourage you for your dream school and program, but I know UF has pretty strong Classics studies in both of their Art History and Classics departments. My area is in modern art. This sounds dump to ask, but where did you see the Pre-PhD program when you applied Princeton? I somehow missed it completely.
  7. Your research interests sound super interesting! I saw there is a Japanese monsters class is being offered this semester at Harvard. Did you get an offer from the MA or PhD program from Harvard?
  8. Is your research field in classics? Where is the other thread about Princeton? The information on interviews from Princeton's art history department is so mixed that someone said there won't be any interviews, but others said yes.
  9. My guess is that their decision should be by the end of next week, BUT who knows. I have already prepared to apply again next year with other schools. Best of luck to you though!!!
  10. May I ask what's your subfield? I thought Harvard's EAS only offers PhD program but I could be wrong.
  11. ChrisBJ

    Fall 2021

    Big congrats! May I ask what's your subfield?
  12. ChrisBJ

    Fall 2021

    How funny that they first told you they were not taking students this year! Congrats again for having a successful interview, and you are one step closer to be accepted! Sorry if you have already mentioned this in other posts, but is your field in photography and film studies? I made a grave mistake by writing the wrong professor's name in my first email when I tried to introduce myself and my research interests, and I never heard back from her after apologizing as soon as I found it out. Although she won't be my primary advisor and I did have her correct name in my SOP, I think I have left a bad taste in her mouth, and my chance of getting into the program is even slimmer, I suppose.
  13. ChrisBJ

    Fall 2021

    Yep. Got a warning sign from the browser saying the web may steal personal or financial info. Got the same warning from the "Results" button too.
  14. ChrisBJ

    Fall 2021

    Thanks! I am indeed new to the forum. Couldn't open your link. Got a warning sign.
  15. ChrisBJ

    Fall 2021

    Also, we don't know if others even know the thread exists, so your interview might not be a particular case.
  16. ChrisBJ

    Fall 2021

    Having an interview is definitely a good sign, so congrats anyway! How did it go? Did you contact any of these two profs ahead of time (before application) and mention their names in your SOP? I didn't apply Columbia but I am curious to know their application process. When will you hear their decisions?
  17. ChrisBJ

    Fall 2021

    Thanks for your info too. I am getting mixed info on the interview that's why I wanted to ask others. Do you mind me asking what's your research field? Although I know I am most likely will be rejected, I still don't have the guts to contact the department and ask the application status. It unfortunately, will be a brutal year (perhaps even more brutal year) next year again if we are rejected this year. Best of luck to all of us too!
  18. ChrisBJ

    Fall 2021

    Are you referring to one of the post that a student received an interview request in this thread? If yes, it seems that it's one particular professor who wants to chat rather than a committee. But I don't know the details. However, if you say that Columbia is doing interviews this year, I think Princeton might do the same because of COVID.
  19. ChrisBJ

    Fall 2021

    As long as we know that the schools we have applied to do not conduct interviews, I guess we can ease our mind a bit until early Feb, lol... Then, the reality will hit us. To be honest, I have already convinced myself that I won't get into any of the schools that I applied to this year, and I am just waiting for an official rejection letter. I have never thought about applying to Princeton nor Harvard if my other choices were not canceled.
  20. ChrisBJ

    Fall 2021

    Thanks for the info!! I am getting so stressed out when I saw others have received either interviews or offer letters, but I heard nothing from the school. Do you mind me asking which schools did you apply? What's your research field? I am thinking this year's application would be extremely competitive since so many programs cancelled admission due to COVID.
  21. ChrisBJ

    Fall 2021

    Hi everyone, it's so good to see an Art History thread! Congrats on your WashU acceptance! I wonder if anyone who applied for the 2021 Art History Ph.D. program at Princeton or Harvard receives an interview request yet? If so, would you mind sharing your interview questions and the experience? Does the department actually conduct interviews? Is it possible that you will receive an acceptance letter without an interview? When will they send out the rejection or acceptance letters? Many thanks!
  22. Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone who applied for the 2021 Art History Ph.D. program at Princeton receives an interview request yet? If so, would you mind sharing your interview questions and the experience with me? Does the department actually conduct interviews? Is it possible that you will receive an acceptance letter without an interview? When will Princeton send out the rejection or acceptance letters? Many thanks!
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