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Posts posted by Blane

  1. 28 minutes ago, CinnamonCream said:

    I'm not an offer holder, but my guess is that 5 of the NYU post are from Steinhardt. The two of those that didn't state so are probably just lazy or not aware of the ambiguities it may cause in the eyes of others. It also makes more sense that there are 5 updates from the same program, with some acceptances and rejections, than 2 from GSAS and 3 from Steinhardt. The fact that GSAS Sociology released results on the same day last year made things extra fishy, but I don't think past history holds that much predictive power (even though it is a crude reference).

    True ! However, I did also notice some time ago that typing 'NYU' in the result searchbar only suggests Steinhardt + Wagner + Stern, and there is no option for GSAS or even just 'NYU' (for which you have type the words 'new york university' in full). I noticed this when I at first I couldn't find the genuine NYU Sociology results from previous years, and reckon maybe some Sociology people might have just picked whatever option was available when they typed 'NYU'. 


    (And yes, re-reading what I just typed I did feel a sense of shame for my compulsive pot-watching)

  2. 18 minutes ago, venusasaboy said:

    A lot of the NYU decisions look like they're from Steinhardt Soc of Education. I haven't heard anything so I'm getting increasingly anxious about it hahaha.

    yeah....On the one hand I feel like their is no logical reason they would have just said 'sociology' and not 'sociology of education'... But at the same time only 3 acceptances seems low for a program as big as NYU Sociology?


    The annoying thing is unless somebody claims them we won't know for another 2 weeks lol

  3. 5 hours ago, Randomhouseplant said:

    I’ve had an additional research experience with strong recommendation letter (this might do it). I used to have 1 very strong letter from my close friend and ex-supervisor and 2 mediocre letters from MEDIOCRE professors (I call them mediocre because they really didn’t try to help me with my struggle). 

    My research interest (SOP) also evolved quite a lot, thanks to my PhD friends who only invested in me to be their chauffeur in future road trips.

    That's great! Those are some wonderful options, coming from a UMD reject! 


    Do you think your research SOP just had more relevant detail? Or was it an issue of finding a research topic which more alligned with researchers interests?

  4. 33 minutes ago, the_blue_danube said:

    Hey everyone, I saw one post about an interview for the NYU Shanghai track. Has anyone else been contacted for an interview? I have not so I'm worried it's bad news. 

    Hey, that was me. Interviewer mentioned some other candidates that they might look at, but tbh that was a few weeks ago and he has supposedly 'submitted his nomination' already. Sorry if that's bad news. However, the NYU side don't interview so you might still be in contention for the main track.

  5. 6 hours ago, Randomhouseplant said:

    This is actually my 4th attempt at PhD in Sociology programs as an international student. The first 3 years I was not admitted to any programs (qualitative/political sociology). But this year I got admitted to 6 programs so far! Just sharing this to let everyone know rejection isn’t end of the world. Someone will eventually appreciate your idea (as it evolves, ofc).

    wow that's insanely impressive! I'd love to know more?


    what did you change? what's your profile like? where did you get in? Any info would be very helpful for those of us staring down the barrel of another potential trip around the block....

  6. Hi guys, wonder if anyone can help me make sense of something which is driving me crazy. 

    A professor from a high profile sociology program (which doesn't use interviews as part of it's process) reached out to me for several conversations, and sort of excitedly told me that he will be 'nominating' me for admission (to the part of the course over which he primarily presides). That program generally sends out acceptances in the next few weeks, and I am stuck in a horrible limbo between tempering my expectations and getting carried away with thoughts about being in the program. 


    Can anyone tell me, what does the weight of a 'nomination' from a Professor mean to the adcom? (The professor is on, or at least involved with, the adcom too). 


    2 minutes ago, mkkenny13 said:

    yeah I'm pretty sure it's there for everybody


    3 minutes ago, iheartscience said:

    I believe this means that 54% of the doctoral students are coming in with an advanced degree (typically an MA, although I know someone with a JD prior to her PhD program), and 3% of the MA students are coming in having already acquired a previous advanced degree (typically another MA). 

    yeah just realized after i posted haha.

    But on this subject. Does anybody know how the GSE might feel about somebody applying one year after beginning another program? A Professor at one less competitive school as offered me a place, under the assumption that I will be re-applying next year. For me, it's an opportunity to keep researching my area of interest for at least a year, and for them I think it's an opportunity to potentially convince me to stay in the long run, and worst case scenario have a student from the program who went on to Stanford, Harvard, Xyz. I'm concerned applying while I'm enrolled in another program won't look too great on my application, even with the professors blessing. Is it common for people to do stuff like this? It wasn't my idea, and I'm not all to familiar with how this stuff goes....

  8. 6 hours ago, jf_cl said:

    The only numbers I've seen are here https://ed.stanford.edu/admissions/diversity-profile 

    Thanks for this! It says 54% of the class have PhDs? Surely that is wrong, the majority of the class are MA students and even for a PhD applicant, I think it's rare to do one after having completed another. Anyone got an explanation for this? EDIT: My bad, I misread and it's just 'Advanced Degree', which I guess includes masters. 


  9. If you check the previous results, it seems like all the acceptances come a couple of days early, then there is a day with a mass email and al the results are rejections. My guess is they email or ring accepted people early in the week, and then at the end of the week they send out a mass email to everyone else. 

    Congratulations to the admitted people! If we have any in our midst, I personally would love to hear about your profile and see what I might be able to do to better myself for next years applications :D

  10. 4 minutes ago, EvolvedGradBlog said:

    Which program are you applying to? I think that SHIPS/DAPS folks weight prior research experience more heavily than CTE. My advice around being competitive alway includes a lot of attention to being unique. In regards to research experience, it's not so much the experience itself that makes the difference, it's the exposure that you had to cutting-edge ideas as a member of a lab.  With these top (GSE) programs, they're extremely interested in hearing your particular perspective about the state of contemporary education, and gaps in knowledge that you'd like to fill. If you want me to expand on this, I'm glad to.

    Interesting. So you mean they are hoping that you might be able to identify a research question that is right on the forefront of educational research, and whether you have or have't published is less important to your proposal and how you are qualified to address it. Something like that? Would definitely like to hear you expand on this, thanks!


    I'm applying to SHIPS, International Comparative Education. I have solid experience in education in the region of focus of one of my POI, a masters and some decent RA experience all converging around their area of interest. I feel that my shortcoming might be, at least on paper, some of the hard skills (quant, mainly) that are a big part of their research. 

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