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Posts posted by __both__

  1. On 2/27/2021 at 4:03 PM, glee1111 said:

    I was fortunate enough to get accepted to both programs, and I was wondering which school would be best for my research interests. Im interested in studying immigration, computational sociology, and quantitative methods. 

    Why did you apply to those programs? (i.e. do you have preliminary answers to your own question?) Computational soc is broad, comprising machine learning, text analysis, simulation, networks, geometric data analysis, etc -- is there a subset you're particularly interested in? UNC wasn't on my radar, but looking now I see they have at least one auspicious computational person. Cornell is strong here although it will be interesting to see how they fill recent departures. Filiz Garip leaving for Princeton seems particularly relevant.

    I'm interested in computational work on culture and politics and am also considering Cornell.

  2. 1 hour ago, SleeplessInSomewhere said:

    I'm starting to think Rutgers is not going to be able to secure the funds for the students they admitted...

    It's easier for me to imagine that they're just waiting for things to shake out a bit before they offer the ~four packages they ostensibly already have. But who knows.

  3. 5 hours ago, glee1111 said:

    If we haven’t received any news from Michigan, is it reasonable to assume a rejection?

    I am assuming that because they seem to have sent formal waitlist notifications. Focusing my vain hopes on Duke personally

  4. 6 hours ago, nicolesaparty said:

    Right but also you were not interviewed right? I was interviewed ? so that might make a difference...if it’s a glitch how can we find out??


    6 hours ago, glee1111 said:

    Yeah was not interviewed. I was thinking of sending an email? I dont know, though. If its a rejection, I just want to know. 

    oop I just got my rejection after all (hadn't interviewed). Referred to MACSS (computational) rather than MAPSS, I forget if that was something I checked on the app but anyhow it makes sense for me

  5. 2 hours ago, nicolesaparty said:

    okay I just wanna make sure; is the portal the same place we applied? I just go in and click on my submitted application. Is that right or is there another portal??

    Thanks, I was just coming here to ask this, I've got a few email rejections so far but have never yet gleaned any decision information from an application page so I was starting to think I was missing something.

    Also greetings all, been lurking this subforum for a few weeks now and appreciating the chat. I'm in UChicago limbo too, no interview but holding out a modicum of hope because I thought the fit was solid. So far I've got an unfunded offer at Rutgers, an interview/visit at Notre Dame, rejected from Stanford, and a few other presumptive rejections. I'm interested in culture, politics/media, and mixed interpretive/mathematical/computational methods. Hoping everyone gets some good news soon!

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