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DanTheGrad last won the day on February 1 2022

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About DanTheGrad

  • Birthday 03/10/1995

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  • Location
    Anaheim, CA
  • Interests
    American Politics, Presidential Studies, and Presidential Rhetoric
  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
  • Program
    Ph.D. in Political Science

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  1. Thank you for sharing, and giving us the heads up to keep a lookout for emails from UMD.
  2. I am so sorry to hear that. If you don't mind me asking - What is your subfield? I'm rooting for you.
  3. Thanks for sending over the good vibes! Honestly, my stress continues grow as the days pass by, so any form good energy helps!
  4. I applied to the joint PubPol/PoliSci program at UMich. The program said final decisions will go out at the end of Feb/early March.
  5. I have not heard anything from USC or received an update to my portal just yet, but crossing my fingers for today. Their website said mid-feb, so hopefully, its sometime this week. ___ Has anybody emailed the program to see if their timeline was pushed back?
  6. Oh nice! That's awesome Did a POI email you or graduate department?
  7. For the UCSB Admit - When did you interview, when did you find out you got in, and how were you notified? Also, Congratulations!
  8. From my last email with the UMD Graduate program coordinator: ___ "Greetings [DanTheGrad], Thank you for your email and interest in our Ph.D. program. Our committee expects to have decisions by mid-February, however, that timeline is subject to change. Our goal is to admit the applicants we believe will be successful in the program. We strive for an entering class of 9- 10 students. The number we admit varies from year to year based on a variety of factors. Note that the number of applications and the acceptance rates also vary by subfield. We offer most incoming Ph.D. students a competitive five-year funding package that includes tuition remission and benefits. The most outstanding applications are also eligible for University-wide fellowships and/or summer fellowships. Students can also apply for funds to support their research through the individual subfields. You can learn more about our admissions process and other FAQs here: https://gvpt.umd.edu/landingtopic/graduate-admissions Best, Elaine" ___ Since it is still technically Mid-February and the timeline is "subject to change," there is still time to receive good news. Plus, it looks like the only subfields that have received acceptance or waitlist notifications are IR and CP. So, if your subfield is AP like me, there is still hope. Trust me when I say, I know this is an incredibly stressful time in the application process, and the delay in program responses doesn't help at all. Personally, a lot is riding on this UMD decision, and I am extremely anxious, but I am not counting myself out until I get an explicit rejection. With that said, you can always email your programs to ask about application timelines if that will help ease any anxiety. If you do email UMD, can you please update the rest of us? I emailed them a few weeks ago (see email above), but I want to know if they have any further updates. Have a great week, and I'm rooting for you!
  9. Hi there - From what my interviewer told me, it would still be "several weeks until decisions go out." I'm not sure if they finished all interviews last week but if they did, I think we will hear back later this week or sometime in early March.
  10. Thanks for the response. Based on what I've been reading on the forum and results pages, I wonder if ALL waitlist notifications have been sent or if it was just for the specific subfields since I haven't seen anyone from AP claim a waitlist.
  11. For all those who were waitlisted for UMD - What are your subfields and how were you notified? Based on the results page, it seems like the majority of waitlist post were in the CP/IR subfield. Rooting for all of us!
  12. I haven't heard back from USC just yet, but keeping fingers crossed.
  13. Haven't been on in a bit to help ease admissions anxiety but I wanted to share that I received an interview invite from UCSB on Sunday afternoon and had my interview yesterday. I think it went really well but fingers crossed. With that said, knowing that UMD has started sending out acceptances has given me so much more anxiety as it is one of the last chances for me and my partner to go to the same school. So, not only am I keeping my fingers crossed... I am asking anyone who has been accepted to other programs and knows they will not be going to UMD to decline their offers as soon as possible as I really don't want to be separated from my partner for 5+ years. I am still rooting for all of us during this crazy and anxious time.
  14. I reached out to every program I applied to asking about their prospective timelines. There is nothing wrong with reaching out as they are there to answer questions about the application process, which includes asking about timelines. Every program that responded to my email did so in a kind and timely manner. I don't think you should have any trouble.
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