Since you're curious, I'll give my two minute analysis.
If you are going to have equal justice for all, then you have to have a list of crimes that make you unpublishable. Immigration has a ridiculously complicated system for which crimes will get you deported. If murder is the only crime with capital punishment, it has to be assumed to be the worst crime. So if you are banning for child porn crimes, you have to ban for murder. Then you’ll have to look at crime after crime and pick an arbitrary line. All sex crimes, domestic violence, all assaults, drunk driving insider trading. I can see someone saying Bernie Madoff should be unpublishable. There is no great system, other than that people shouldn't do crime, and then everyone will be happy. One answer is to say no prison issue altogether. There is some governor I can’t remember who wants prisoners to be the last ones to get COVID vaccines even if they are most risk. It’s odd because liberals are often pro prisoner rights, while liberals flip with particular crimes like child porn.