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casi cielo

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Posts posted by casi cielo

  1. 11 hours ago, Angela Merkel said:

    I was referring to the empirical studies that prove that states like Indiana's frame of mind and cultural values are very different --and not in a good way-- from the US Northeast, Canada or western Europe, to name just a few

    I am glad that you have done your research on politics, but you have learned about politics and cannot make assumptions about an entire state based on how they vote, because of how US election systems work. As you said, the cities are different from the rural areas, but that is true of every state in the US. There are, unfortunately, many states who would not have legalized gay marriage if it was not done federally, but there are still many people in those states who disagree with that. US politics are extremely nuanced, and it is unlike Canada's or Western Europe's, so it is really unfair to compare the two, especially when similar issues exist in those regions as well. If living in an area where liberal political values are the majority is truly that important to you, then again, I am not sure why you would apply anywhere not on the coasts. It's fine if you do not want to live in a conservative state, but I would refrain from speaking about countries/states in this way, especially ones you have never lived in.

  2. On 4/5/2021 at 9:53 AM, Angela Merkel said:

    From the perspective of western civilization, it is a medieval-thinking society that gives a very bad name to the USA. Yet, its main cities are all right.

    If you end up getting into Nebraska-Lincoln, I hope your perspective changes. Not sure why you would apply anywhere not on the coast if you think this way. Even in Chicago, unless you plan on never leaving the city, this is not a great perspective to have. I currently live in one of the most conservative states in the country and I would never speak of it (or the people) in this way. 

  3. On 4/4/2021 at 2:06 PM, Conejita said:

    I have committed to Indiana for the literature track. The department is great and the funding was great too. I am from NYC, born and raised. I lived my whole life here (elementary, middle school, highschool, undergrad and grad). The midwest is the first time I would be leaving my nest so I am a little scared but excited at the same time!!!

    I am from Indiana, one of the larger cities. As a whole, it is very conservative, but Bloomington and other big cities are not nearly as conservative. It is not medieval-like, in any sense of the word. The idea that it gives a bad name to the USA is not true, and I highly suggest you do not go into it with that mindset! The midwest (and especially Hoosiers!) are full of pride, hospitality, and friendliness. You will never meet a stranger, as they say. Your neighbors will likely be very kind. Indianapolis is not far and very cool! I will also be attending IU Bloomington in the fall (linguistics) so please - message me if you have any questions! 

    I am excited to hear about everyone elses decisions :) 

  4. 16 hours ago, senorbrightside said:

    So McGill has now offered funding! I'm pretty torn between Nebraska and McGill now...but I love having a choice to make when I had convinced myself I wouldn't get any offers WITH funding. 

    Espero que todxs estén recibiendo buenas noticas esta semana. 

    ¡enhorabuena! dos opciones buenísimas :)

  5. 1 hour ago, Conejita said:

    Anyone have any updates? Anyone have strategies they use to prevent themselves from obsessing over checking grad cafe and the email??

    No updates here. 1 waitlist and 1 pending. my current strategy has been to stay busy with other work to distract myself. I only check once a day - and I finished the final draft on my MA thesis! :D Super excited about that, but now I have to find other things to stay busy... I've been having some terrible stomach pain over the last week because I am so anxious!

  6. 1 hour ago, Angela Merkel said:

    Y eso porque le escribí directamente a los directores del programa graduado directamente. Y me respondieron.

    ¿A quién escribiste para una decisión de Indiana? He estado en contacto con dos profesores y el coordinador pero nadie me ha dicho nada de decisiones. Bueno, que no he pedido directamente a ellos, pero ya. La semana pasada mandé un email al departamento para saber algo de decisiones, pero nadie me ha respondido. :(  puedes mandarme un mensaje privado si quieres ?

    At this point, I assume waitlisted or rejected, as I have not heard anything. I would just like to know. 

  7. I can't believe that I still have not heard back from my top choice school... I had a meeting with a POI yesterday and it went so well. I can't imagine getting rejected after meeting with several profs, a stellar writing sample, 2 professors from my program have connections with people from this program, and my research interests fit with several professors at this school. I got waitlisted at my second choice school and it is a great program still, but my top choice is a better fit. I don't know why I haven't heard anything yet (assuming waitlist) but I have strong hopes that I will get into this program!!!! 

    How's everyone else doing? Losing hope? Gaining hope? Making plans to move? 

  8. 42 minutes ago, presidentialpudding said:

    Just going to have to brace for Midwestern winters haha

    ¡enhorabuena! soy de Indiana, del norte, y el invierno es muuuuyyy fuerte en Chicago por el efecto del lago. a pesar de todo, es una ciudad hermosa y la vas a encantar! ¡suerte y feliz!

  9. The school where I am waitlisted emailed me and told me "it doesn't look promising", so although I did have hope, I no longer do... waiting on a decision from one last school... it's looking like I won't make it in this year. any advice on what to do until next round? :(

  10. Just now, Conejita said:

    I thought refreshing my email would make the decisions come faster ?

    Based on my own experience... it has not worked. Lol! I broke down and sent an email to IU via the portal, requesting any updates on the status of my application. I knew emailing the grad services coordinator wouldnt get me anywhere, and I am too scared to email my POI lol. I doubt there is anything, but the anxiety got the best of me. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Conejita said:

    Estoy muy de acuerdo con esta idea. De hecho, me gusta mucho. Si esta semana aun no me llega noticias (ojalá buenas) también voy a enviar emails a los programas.

    Mucha suerte! He intendado hablar con el coordinador de Indiana, pero no ha respondido a mis emails. Solo quiero organizar una visita virtual :( he estado intentando desde diciembre. Pero voy a mandar un email a otros programas en las semanas q vienen si sigo sin noticias. estoy en la lista de esperar para un programa y voy a esperar un rato para algunas noticias de este programa.

  12. ¿Qué tal estáis hoy?

    Tengo un amigo que recibió funding a Kent State y decidió ir para estudiar traducción/español. Mi amiga va a ir a Arizona University para estudiar discourse analysis, y tengo una amiga que tiene aceptaciones pero no ha decidido. Aunque estoy nerviosa que no he oído nada de mis programas... estoy contenta q tengo tantos amigos con buenas oportunidades :) y a vosotras! me alegro q veo aceptaciones a universidades. 

    ¿Ya habéis decidio? o estáis como yo sin noticias... jaja

  13. Hola amig@s!

    The anxiety this week is hitting hard. I see that we're all a little concerned about hearing back from Indiana... I have applied to the hispanic linguistics program, and I have a virtual meeting with my POI on Feb. 25th. I have a friend (international student) who was accepted into the literature program on feb. 7th. On feb 7th, my POI set up that meeting. I am hoping this means I am not rejected... but I am also nervous that I could be waitlisted.

    I am currently waitlisted at Ohio State as well, so being waitlisted for my top two schools would be as devastating as getting rejected. :(

    I am getting so nervous, I just want to know if I am getting in or not.

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