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Everything posted by etchfetch

  1. I also got accepted into the MSEd Learning Sciences and Technologies Program and received a merit scholarship and don't see an invitation to apply to anything else. Not sure what this means, but there's some text below the scholarship offer that says - " ...We are reviewing your eligibility to have this scholarship converted to a named scholarship, and if you are eligible, you will be notified in a separate letter..." Congratulations to everyone! ^_^
  2. That's a relief! Thanks Taro_Taro. I kept wondering if there was a huge red flag I was missing. You're right about the funding, the masters program is VERY expensive for me. I've received a scholarship, which is definitely encouraging, but not significant enough for me accept the offer yet. I'm exploring other funding options before I accept the offer. Also, congratulations on your admission!!
  3. Thank you I meant that relative to Learning Analytics. I don't see anyone else applying to/talking about LA on this forum or anywhere else (reddit). But for EDS there seem to be at least 5-6 people on gradcafe and another 5-6 on a couple of reddit posts (possible overlap of course). So it's 1 (LA) : 10 (EDS), which was kinda strange to me ? and I was wondering if there was something I was missing?
  4. Thanks annie_568 . Also congratulations on your acceptance I got accepted into the learning analytics program at teachers college, which was my second choice, so I'll mostly be going there
  5. I just wanted to let you all know that I've received my rejection All the best to all of you
  6. What else have you applied to Taro_Taro? Also, if you don't mind me asking, why didn't you apply to Learning Analytics? I was definitely surprised to find almost no one applying to the course on this forum. The masters program has been offered for more than 5 years if I'm not mistaken at TC. And EDS, a program that's being started only this year has many more applicants. I wonder what I'm missing ?
  7. hello, I'm new here . And this is literally my first post on the forum, so apologies if I'm doing something wrong... I've applied to learning analytics at Teachers College, Columbia University. The program is not identical to EDS but it is one that I'm interested in. I also couldn't find too many programs (just applied to the two) that had education in combination with data science. There were many that had education + quant methods but very few that had education + data science!
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