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  1. What I've heard from a friend who did their MSW program and is now in the PhD program, is that usually the scholarships are tied to more work and that there aren't too many of them. What I'm really curious about is whether the stipend associated with the UNC Primecare program (which you have to apply to separately for your specialization year) is available to 3 year students. There's no info online saying it's not available to 3 year students, but in an info session, the students said it was not.
  2. Thank you! Yes, they sent me an email this morning. On Wednesday, they had said "You will receive a decision within the next week" so I wouldn't be surprised if they are also letting people know Mon/Tues. Good luck!
  3. Just got an acceptance to the 3 year program! I cried. I guess I am a little UNC obsessed. UNC undergrad, now UNC employee, future UNC grad student For anyone else who applied to the 3 year program, they had told me on Wednesday they’re finalizing everything this week!
  4. Yes, I am also still waiting!
  5. I applied for the 3 year program, and at my interview (which was early Feb.) they told me "if you have not heard from us by the beginning of the third week of March, email us." They also said that they only accept 25 students to the 3-year program every year, so my thought is that it's more competitive. However, I have no way of knowing how many applicants they had this year.
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