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Posts posted by JMAurelius

  1. On 4/21/2024 at 10:41 PM, dwisn1111 said:

    For people accepted to top programs (ivies, Berkeley, Michigan, unc, Stanford,etc), what was your GPA when you applied and did you have any publications, conference presentations, fieldwork?

    I didn't have any publications or conference presentations.  Those might be more important for STEM fields, but much less so for Classics.  I'm not in archaeology or material culture, so not sure about fieldwork.

  2. On 3/24/2024 at 6:48 PM, canyoudigit said:

    Went for a visit last week and found out I'm officially waitlisted for that program.  Very disappointed as during the entire process, they kept making comments to people they introduced me to that they were trying to convince me to accept their offer.  This is the only school I've heard semi-good news from, and, as an international student, might be the only way I can stay in the US.  Frantically starting to look for jobs that are even remotely related to classics/archaeology/museums just in case I don't get off the waitlist.  

    Second time applying for PhD programs and am really getting disheartened with this entire experience.

    I'm so sorry this happened to you. They shouldn't have raised your hope like that. For what it's worth, it took me three rounds of applications before getting any acceptances from PhD programs. I wish I had better suggestions for you, but I really hope everything works out for you at the end. If you want to chat or just a place to vent, my DM is open!

  3. 4 hours ago, screwdriverfemme said:

    How's everybody doing with waiting/decisionmaking/both? I committed to UCLA (my first choice!!) yesterday, and I'm thrilled. Today I've got to decline my other offer, which is necessary but also a little sad.


  4. 9 hours ago, I.C said:

    Help me with something: I was admitted to the University of California in Santa Barbara and the University of Illinois in Urban Champagne. UCSB's offer appears to be very generous. I'm in doubt because the UIUC library is very good. Which would you choose and why?

    Congrats on the admits!! 🎉🥳 

    As @screwdriverfemme mentioned, make sure you look up the cost of living! MIT has a pretty nifty website for that https://livingwage.mit.edu/. Also compare health insurance coverage an other potential fees you have to pay out of pocket.  As for libraries, it's fantastic to have a library with a good collection, but remember you can always make use of Inter-library loans and other similar services if the library doesn't have the books you need.

  5. A friend of mine just heard from Princeton about being wait listed. It's just one person. So I don't recommend reading too much into it. Fingers crossed for everyone! 🤞🤞

  6. On 2/27/2024 at 5:28 PM, screwdriverfemme said:

    Does anyone have any tips for recruitment visits? I'm attending a three-day virtual visit for my absolute top school tomorrow through Friday, and I feel like I have absolutely no idea what to expect. I've got three(!) individual meetings with faculty and am working on coming up with questions or conversation topics for all of them, I've got questions for my grad student meetings, I'm doing the readings for the classes I'll be visiting ... am I missing anything?? What kind of questions have y'all asked faculty in individual meetings??

    Hope the visit went well!

  7. 17 hours ago, voxanonyma said:

    Interesting. I remember seeing that on Cornell's page, but they removed it last cycle, so I wonder if that's changed. Yes, Michigan carries a transfer to the PhD the following year assuming adequate progress. I'm stoked from this honestly; I never expected to get in and it was the first program I heard from.

    That's good to know! I'm really glad there are more of these bridge programs now.  As for Cornell, it looks like their graduate handbook still includes the transfer option for the Bridge MA. Maybe they just forgot to include it when they revised the other parts of their website.  It would not be much of a "bridge" program without the transfer option!

    As a side project, I'm slowly (I mean very slowly 😅) working on a spread sheet of all the Classics Phd and funded MA/pre-doc programs in the US for future applicants. I hope to get it (mostly) done in time for the next application cycle. 🤞 So thanks for the confirmation that UMichigan has the transfer option! 

    Speaking of UMich, on their website, it says the Bridge MA program is 3-semester long, which is rather unusual compared to all the other bridge programs I know of.  Do you know if that's a typo or it's indeed a 3-semester program?  Also do you know if their stipend covers both the academic year and the summer?  Thanks! 

  8. 19 minutes ago, voxanonyma said:

    I haven't yet heard, no. I applied to the pre-doctoral program, and wrote to their director yesterday asking for an update, just for some peace of mind. Princeton's is the only program that would probably exceed Michigan's offer overall, so I'd like to know how I've done there. I was not invited to an interview, but equally I'm not sure how relevant that is. I don't think there was a track for the program as I applied to it. And I was admitted to Michigan without an interview, so I think there is always hope for it!

    Congratulations on the Michigan admit!  🎉

    I know the programs at Cornell and Princeton come with a transfer to their respective PhD programs. Do you know if it's the same for Michigan? Can't find an answer on their website.

  9. 58 minutes ago, confusedmedievalist said:

    Per my own request-I got an email from the DGS at Princeton at 9 this morning with an unofficial offer. Sounds like the unofficial decisions will be going out through the end of this week (not all today, so don't panic yet!) and then official results might take up to two weeks. Best of luck to everyone else!!! I am sobbing; I was literally up at 5 AM thinking about how bad I wanted this. 

    @confusedmedievalist Congrats! 🎉🥳

    8 hours ago, foxdonkey said:

    If I want to do a PhD in the future, is it better to do a funded postbacc or a funded masters? I can’t tell how one vs two years, degree and no degree, etc are weighed, as well as the timeline of applying (for example in a one year program it would be hard to get good recommendation letters in fall semester because you won’t have spent much time with your professors, right?). 

    @foxdonkey If you plan for a PhD, it doesn't matter too much whether a program leads to an MA or not. There also ways you can alleviate the downsides of a shorter program. So everything else being equal, I'd pick a well funded 1-year program over a barely funded (or unfunded) 2-year program. It's even less of an issue if the program lets you directly transfer to PhD after you are done.

  10. 6 hours ago, voxanonyma said:

    Interesting. I do know of programs that sometimes interview, sometimes not, and sometimes even admit people without interviews. But since it's only one per year (?) for them, I kind of assumed Princeton would interview people, and, indeed, I also haven't heard anything.

    I think they admit two each year now. But you are right. Given it's competitiveness, they most likely do interviews before admitting anyone. But it's not over until it's over! Fingers crossed for you! 🤞

    BTW, did you apply to the Bridge MA at Cornell as well?

  11. 1 hour ago, confusedmedievalist said:

    I can't say I know anything about that process, unfortunately! When I applied a few years ago, I heard nothing until I was rejected, but I don't know if that means they don't do interviews or I just didn't get one. 

    There are definitely interviews for the pre-doc, but I don't know if they interview everyone they admit.

  12. 18 hours ago, confusedmedievalist said:

    Did those with in-person interviews do a Zoom one earlier? I applied through History and did a Zoom one but now am wondering if that was a pre-screening and no in-person interview suggests rejection.

    I'm not sure about History, but in case this is useful, assuming they didn't change for this year, I know these Classics programs only do interviews on Zoom, not in-person: Notre Dame, USC, UChicago, Cornell, and Princeton.

  13. 16 hours ago, screwdriverfemme said:

    Got offered a Zoom interview with BU! My first contact is from my latest-deadline program, lol ... hopefully they're just particularly on top of it, and it's not a bad sign for those earlier-deadline programs.

    Wondering if anyone has heard anything from UCLA, Harvard, or University of Washington?

    Congrats on the interview invite! Best of luck! 🤞🤞

  14. 6 hours ago, Immie said:

    I applied for a different concentration (Art and Archaeology), but I have not recieved any interview requests. So I guess they already made the shortlists? I did have very optimistic talk with few professors before applying... 

    It's not over till it's over. Hang on there! 

  15. 2 hours ago, AStark said:

    Three professors interviewed me, and they were all very kind, though also very formal. When I asked, the DGS said that they intend to make decisions by the end of January. Now I'm waiting... 

    The people at Cornell Classics are awesome. Fingers crossed for you! 🤞

  16. I'm not in art history or museum studies. So I will leave advise to those who are more qualified.  But for what it's worth, the fact that you passed your Latin exam on the first try and that you have advanced to your dissertation stage are indications of your ability and tenacity.  Whatever you choose to do from now on, you should be proud of what you have already achieved.

    Also, try post this to the Classics subreddit (r/classics).  It's a lot more active than here.  Good luck!

  17. On 12/10/2023 at 9:35 PM, confusedmedievalist said:

    Hello all, 

    Have any of you who've done this before ever heard anything before the New Year, even with early December deadlines? I always thought no one did, but then I saw on Brown's (History) website that all interviews are done before Jan. 1, and am wondering if anyone else has ever heard of this. This is my third time going through the process, but since I've never gotten far enough to get anything but a rejection mid-February, it's hard to let go of the refreshing my email constantly hoping for an interview request or something. If the waiting is killing me now, I'm going to be a complete basket case in two months. Any thought? 

    It took me two rounds of applications to get into a funded MA and a third round to get any PhD acceptances.  So I know the feelings!  I wish I could tell you how to best deal with all the waiting and anxiety.  Sadly I never quite figured that out.  But I'm rooting for you and everyone else!

  18. 5 hours ago, confusedmedievalist said:

    Re: my own question. I just got an interview request from Brown, but doing them before Christmas is a new thing to try and get answers out earlier, and not normal. 

    Congrats on the interview invite! 🥳🎉

    Even with an early December deadline, that's pretty fast.  All the PhD programs I applied to had a 12/15 deadline, and the earliest I heard back from was in January.  The fastest turn around for me was with one of the MA programs.  I got an interview invite a couple of days after the application deadline, and another week later I got the result.  

    Best of luck with the Brown interview!  Here's to more good news!! 😄🤞

  19. 18 hours ago, Maizi2024 said:

    Does anyone have any idea about Duke Kunshan University's graduate programs? It seems like students can get the same degree with less cost.

    Hmm, they don't have any graduate program in the Classics.  This might not be the best place to ask that question. You can probably get better answers from other forums more related to you field. Best of luck!

    Edit: typo

  20. On 6/29/2023 at 10:36 AM, JohnNobody said:

    My worry: if I apply only by the end of 2025 (which is the end of the MA itself) and got and offer to a PhD,



    If it's a two year program, then it ends in the spring of 2025. You apply in the fall of 2024 when the applications open. You will get the results sometime in the spring of 2025. If admitted, you will start in the fall of 2025. In that case, there won't be a break in you funding, except the summer of 2025, but hopefully that's something you can plan ahead for.

    Also, congrats on the funded MA!

  21. On 9/19/2023 at 3:25 PM, canyoudigit said:

    Still trying to figure out the list of schools I'm going to apply to next year after being rejected/waitlisted last year.  

    I know the feeling! I applied a total of three rounds. All rejections the first time around (I still remember exactly where I was when I got the last two rejections back to back 🙁). Only one admit in the second round, but it's a funded MA so that's awesome. Did much better the third time and got into my current program. Fingers crossed for you! 🤞

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