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Everything posted by ChrisZ

  1. Hello all, I just received an offer of admission to the UWindsor MSW for Helping Professionals, Fall of 2023. I am declining my offer, as I got accepted in another MSW program for the Spring 2023 start. I'm posting this in case someone is on the waiting list for UWindsor, in hopes that my absence will create an open spot for another future MSW ?
  2. I was also accepted to WLU for the regular part time online MSW. I am still shaking and shivering a bit from shock, excitement, and maybe some nerves I would be totally game to join an online group with other folks.
  3. Wondering if anyone has received any information from WLU regarding their Regular Track Spring 2023 start? At one point, the information on their website indicated the acceptances were targeted for January. Then, I also heard that the deadline for the application was extended, which makes me wonder if therefore the acceptances will be extended as well.
  4. Thanks BingBong BingBong. I appreciate that. Only time will tell I guess. Sending you good vibes and good fortune for admissions this year.
  5. Hello. Firstly, it is nice to have a place where we can normalize our application experience. I only applied once to WLU in 2020. I was rejected, and it really threw me for a loop. Since then I took time to re-evaluate my application, and decided to look at it as if I was an assessor. I have strengthened my experience, professional development, and I am really proud of my statement of personal interest(s). I hope this year is my year. I am applying again to WLU for 2023, and to Windsor for 2023. I am a Registered Social Service Worker with over 20 years of experience. I have a BA in Human Services, a diploma in social services and 2 other post graduate diplomas related to the field (Trauma and Addiction Recovery) and (Rehabilitation and Disabilities). My GPA was 3.7. Fingers crossed this year, and best of luck to all of you as well. ?
  6. I agree. I have over 20 years of direct and indirect experience in social service agencies. I work full time, and have a family. So it’s not reasonable for me to apply to other provinces and expect my family to move. I am limited to online part time options. I also struggle with how many post secondary programs are structured. If education to considered to be life long- then institutions need to have more flexibility for learners with full time jobs, families, and other responsibilities.
  7. Just curious to know how many MSW programs everyone usually applies for? I only applied to WLU, and like so many of us, did not get in. I wondered if I should have applied for more than 1 program?
  8. Did not get into Laurier’s non-BSW part time online either. Very disheartening
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