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klassicmo's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Totally forgot to quote you back lol. Clearly I'm new to this, not true to this ?
  2. Hey, how goes it? I was hoping someone would start a thread. Didn't want to be the only one in here lol. But, I've had my applications finished since mid September so I feel you on being bored now. And heavy on the stressing out for the next 4 months. I keep checking my application portals like there's gonna be an update anytime soon LOL. Your stats look pretty good though in my opinion and I feel like you would be a good candidate for AuD programs! I'm a Communication Disorders major and my stats aren't stellar by any means. My current overall GPA is 3.11 and my major GPA is 3.06. BUT, earlier this year I was actually diagnosed with ADHD so that definitely explains it... I've went my entire life undiagnosed and struggled in school. Now that I've been properly diagnosed, I am on the right ADHD meds and finally doing much better in my courses. Makes me so much more relieved for grad school. I opted not to take the GRE as a lot of schools were waiving the requirement, and I'm just not a great standardized test taker overall. So, I probably would've only applied to programs that didn't require it anyways. Outside of my stats; I completed an 8 month SLP internship (initially I wanted to be an SLP but switched over), I was invited to an Audiology Learning Experience earlier this year through Salus University, I shadowed an audiologist for 6 months (about 50 hours of observation), and I joined the National Hearing Conservation Association in March. I also served 4 years active duty in the US Marine Corps. While my military service alone isn't a guarantee to get me admitted into a program, I do think it gives me a slight advantage compared to someone who solely went straight to college out of high school. Schools are always saying they want veteran students (and I think the life experience will make up for my subpar GPA lol). For my extracurriculars, I was in the veterans club at my school, and I worked as an Apple specialist my first semester of undergrad. I am also an immigrant and bilingual. I only applied to three programs because the application process was too damn stressful to apply to anymore and I was not about to chase down professors for letters of recommendations or write a sh*t ton of personal statements. By all means, I'm not saying any of this to brag but I hope to inspire someone who has a GPA similar to mine not to get discouraged. As long as your GPA is above a 3.0, and have other things on your resume that you've done outside of school like observations, working, playing a sport, etc... you still have a solid chance of being admitted somewhere. Y'all got this!
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