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Everything posted by try2survive

  1. Wow, thanks for the advice on GRE. I agree. But honestly, I've never taken GRE for both last year and this year's applications. Since those that I applied don't require GRE, and as you said, "I hate GRE" ? But now I feel maybe next year will be different? Many schools might require GRE again? Yeah, I guess I would need to prepare that as well (I actually did prepare that last year but gave up halfway...) Maybe that's not the case in Psychology? Didn't they waive GRE?
  2. Yeah exactly. It's like, there is no standard (no end) for that, and you don't know how good is good enough... Oh...yeah, same, had Zoom calls with them before applying, and yeah, same, felt positive. Now I think those POIs were clever, super clever. There was ZERO cost for them to say: hey, I don't like you, don't waste application money on me. And I will be totally okay with that. But they all act so cunningly because obviously, the more people apply, the larger pool they can select from. *Well they probably didn't want to break our faith & feelings (which they already did anyway) Yeah, you are right. For some schools, the committee played the biggest role. I'm not from psychology (I'm from Computer Science), but I did have one school that the Prof never even saw my application and said it was rejected by the committee and never got passed to them. But I feel that if you really care about me, you would be really worried when you didn't see my application and would talk to the committee to see what happened instead of waiting for me to ask you how my application is going (and tells me: sorry I can't control, I don't know, I never see it). It only means you don't really want to accept me in the first place. All those lovely words were simply you pretending to be nice. ? (this is probably a bit mean but, I was really really upset & a bit angry by some POIs) Haha, thanks, hope you hear some good news too. Yeah...I guess I will re-apply as well, but honestly, there is only one summer left for the next application. I don't think it can make much difference? But my case is probably worse than yours since I've applied twice, and some schools only allows you to apply three times in your lifetime, so I need to use the last chance wisely.
  3. Similar situation, didn't get a 4/4 GPA but did have many (pretty good, I believe) research/industry experiences. This is the second time I have applied. The first time was all rejected, this time (all schools are different but) might be the same situation (still waiting for two programs but don't think it's gonna work, since all three that came out were rejections) My problem is that, I spent lots of time doing intern & research (and there were some bad planning, some issues) thus haven't finished my undergrad yet. Those at my age have completed their master's (some might even finish their PhDs) It's such a stress, especially for most of the research work I did, I didn't get any pay. And I'm indeed wondering if I really want to do research or just want to earn the title of being called "Dr." at a fancy school. I know everyone has their own pace, but...I was born in a country (culture) where you have to be quick and fast to get the most and climb the social ladder. I know I will need to take care of my parents and my family in the future, but now I'm just wasting my parents' money on super expensive tuition (I'm an international student) and some stupid applications that only wish me good luck in future endeavors. (honestly, I contacted those POIs before I applied for all the programs, and they all showed positive responses, which made me believe that this could work out...but it didn't and I just felt betrayed and cheated...haha it's funny, this feeling is like you love someone and believe someone loves you, but it all turns out to be your fantasy, they don't and they never like you)
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