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Everything posted by balderdash

  1. Yeah, crazy. It's a phone call, which isn't really their MO. I'd guess the emails come tomorrow.
  2. Usually all at the same time/day. The 2-day spread last year was (if I remember correctly) from people not having checked their emails/phone messages until the following morning.
  3. That, and Your calling all the time does nothing to hurt your chances of being admitted, but it doesn't help at all. And in my experience, it makes you even more anxious. By the way, re: the earlier talk about a slow thread this year... we're almost at 500 posts in this thread. Last year, we didn't hit that mark until 09 February at 03:51 PM, incidentally from a post by yours truly. Seems things have picked up considerably this year.
  4. It's never a good idea. (Speaking as someone who tried calling Stanford probably 80 times last year.)
  5. I can't speak to the Duke application, but in past years a new button is added once the decision becomes available. Also, as per Northwestern (their emphasis):
  6. Nah, this predicting thing isn't a science. They'll probably come out sometime this week; perhaps even today.
  7. Drake feat. Nicki Minaj, "Make Me Proud." Seriously, though, don't take this as an indication of my taste in music. Congratulations on all of the recent acceptances!
  8. I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so proud of you. (Sorry, had been waiting to do that for a few days.)
  9. Well, it was the case last year, and a third one just went up to that effect.
  10. Disagree. First, the stats are what you would expect for a well-regarded, high-ranking program like UCLA. Second, it's pretty common for people to get accepted, think "now what?", find this site, post their results, and begin discussing their options with people in the same boat. It's much more fishy when a result is posted and no one claims it. Third, More generally, for a school where decisions come from the individual POIs, not all emails will be sent at once. Acceptees will get an email when their potential advisors gets around to it. It'll probably be sometime this week, but could be at 2 am if that's when professors are working. In conclusion: I'm confident that the results are real, and I'm certain that if so, there are others who will be getting accepted in the next few days.
  11. Yeah, I think it will turn out to be real, as the timing seems right for an email specifically from a POI... if it had said a general auto-email, then we'd expect to see more posts. But who knows. Could be fake; wouldn't be the first time. Edit: and congrats to the FSU acceptance.
  12. Woah, anyone want to claim the UCLA acceptance email from Geddes?
  13. I'll bet Johns Hopkins was way above that. One of the reasons for the numbers being markedly higher is likely to be the surge in applications following the deterioration in the economy from 2007 onward. Applicants to my program at Cambridge doubled from 2008 to 2009, and increased something like 30% 2009 to 2010 and another 30% the following year. Insane.
  14. Yeah. I'm back in the UK, so I was hoping they'd cover a bit more of the flight costs, but it's understandable that they can't. Though I do have to say, I don't think $300 would cover it even if you were flying from, say, Arizona... especially if you have to connect from a small airport through a regional hub. Anyway, they were nice about it. No worries, you're only 2.5 weeks from having pretty much all of your decisions. Almost all the acceptances are out by Feb 15, so you'll have some "yes"es and some assumed "no"s, and a general idea of where you're headed. Totally read that in the Orbit gum lady's voice.
  15. Perhaps Berkeley acceptances as well. Re: funding for travel, I know Madison is willing to provide up to $300 per person for travel expenses, and they house you with a current graduate student and pay for your meals.
  16. Thanks, I thought it was rather cheeky of him myself. Re: the UCLA question, I think last year was earlier than usual, and I would expect it to be in Feb this year. But perhaps I'm distracted by Stanford's silence.
  17. Seriously, the cajones on this guy who stole my article. I've been in a back-and-forth with him about taking it down, and after ignoring a few emails, today he comes back with this: Seriously?!
  18. This. I'd add that I was waitlisted at Princeton last year the same day that the acceptances went out. My earlier guess that there were multiple waves at Columbia was mistaken; I had repressed forgotten that people posted fake results ahead of time last year. Although I was explicit about the fact that this was a guess, mea culpa.
  19. I'm sorry to hear that you didn't receive an offer. Based on last year's results, it seems rejections will be sent out in about 2 weeks.
  20. It's a good point. We'll know in 7 hours either way. Apologies, and I'm not trying to humblebrag, but: I wrote an article for small news outlet on Wednesday. Today I found out it had been copied and reprinted on another site, including my bio, picture, etc. without my (or the news outlet's) permission. So today has been spent trying to track down the "editor" and convince him that it's wrong to pretend to readers that I wrote an article for his very, very sketchy website. Nightmare...
  21. Did you end up applying to Oxbridge? And if so, can I ask who you want to work with, and at what colleges? PM me if you want to keep it on the dl. I'm still so anxious about Stanford, largely because it's one of the 3 that could make me decline a Madison offer. I'm thinking offers come today, but then what do I know.
  22. Alas, I don't know nearly enough about lunar policy to mount a successful campaign.
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