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  1. Hi! I'd definitely answer the questions for the supplementary statement within the context of a personal statement. From everything I've heard from other applicants and based on my own experience, the admissions panel wants to get an idea of who you are as a person, and what you hope to achieve through the medium of social work in your career. I'd also recommend trying to attend/watch a SSW admissions informational session, or even directly reach out to the SSW at U of M with any questions or concerns. I reached out to them back in September/October when I applied, and they have consistently been very warm, receptive, and helpful. Best of luck!
  2. Hello all! Just giving an update: I had my U of M interview via Zoom this past Wednesday afternoon (Feb 23). Lasted about half an hour and the panel was very kind. In case this helps anyone else this cycle or in future cycles, here are some of the questions they asked: 1) Tell us about yourself 2) Why are you applying to U of M? 3) Why should we admit you? 4) How have you prepared to earn your MSW? 5) Why have you chosen the pathway(s) you've selected on your application? 6) Which placement environment most appeals to you (urban, rural, university, suburban)? 7) Is there a book/author that has been influential in your life? They also asked some specific questions about my work and life experience since I come from a nontraditional background. The majority of the questions came from a list the panelists took turns reading off of. I asked what the typical turnaround time for an admissions decision was after an interview, and was told that the admissions committee meets on Fridays, so decisions could go out anytime between later Friday and the beginning of the next week. I got an email yesterday morning (Saturday, Feb 26) from Tim Colenback (Assistant Dean for Enrollment Management) congratulating me and alerting me that I was being offered admission for Fall 2022! My Wolverine Access has still not updated to show me an admissions decision, and I have yet to receive my official admissions email, but I thought it was really lovely that he would send notice on the weekend so I can stop obsessively checking my online portal haha. I applied to two MSW programs, and received admission to both. I'm pretty sure I'll be attending U of M since it is my only in-person program, but I'm still a little hesitant due to cost (and I'm getting in-state tuition). I'm curious to see if I am offered any scholarships or if I was successful in getting into the special program I applied for...we'll see! Sending lots of good thoughts to everyone still awaiting admissions decisions!
  3. I got an email from UMich asking me for an interview (scheduled towards the end of February). It's my only in-person program (I was accepted to NMU's online program earlier in the month). I applied as part of the MasterTrack 12-month program though, so not sure if the 16 or 20 month program admission results are rolling out yet. Have you been checking your Wolverine Access?
  4. Received an email from UMich yesterday asking me to set up an interview. Based off of previous GradCafe threads, UMich interviews are very hit or miss in terms of admission. I am coming from a very unique, non-traditional background, and I am interested in earning my MSW via the MasterTrack program, so I am hoping that the interview request is to hear more about why I am pursuing the degree in such a specific way. I only applied to two programs, and UMich is my only in-person option, so I do hope this goes well--fingers crossed! When I called to schedule my interview, the earliest date available was more than five weeks away (yeesh), so if anyone else is in a similar situation, I'd recommend calling ASAP. Congrats on all of the acceptances so far, and continued good thoughts and patience to those still waiting!
  5. Received admission to Northern Michigan's two-year regular standing MSW program yesterday--woo! Having only applied to two programs, I'm relieved to know that I'll definitely be enrolled to earn my MSW this fall! Still waiting to hear about any scholarships/financial aid, and since my undergraduate and graduate degrees are in a starkly different field from social work, I do need to take 3 pre-reqs before enrolling in the fall. Do most of you have a social work/psychology (or related) undergraduate degree? I'm also still waiting to hear back from UMich, though I did get approved for in-state residency/tuition, plus I have approval for their MasterTrack program which would allow me to complete my MSW in twelve months. I know in previous forums people heard back from UMich anywhere between the end of December through March, so has anyone who applied heard anything yet?
  6. Hello! I'm applying to two programs for Fall 2022 start date: University of Michigan (approved for MasterTrack 12-month program) & Northern Michigan University (2 year regular standing online global campus program). I'm a native (and current) Michigander quasi-changing careers and heading back to school to earn my second graduate degree. I've been out of school since 2013, so can't seem to decide if I'm mostly nervous or excited to be going through the application process again. I submitted my UMich app on 10/28/21, got my sign up for Wolverine Access on 11/10/21, plus a link to fill out an application to prove that I'm a Michigan resident (ah, the joys of earning my first graduate degree in another country), and all of my LOR were received by 11/11/21. My application registered as complete in my Wolverine Access on 11/16 or 11/17 (can't remember the specific date), and now I am obsessively checking my application status through the portal even though I know nothing will be decided until well after 12/01 haha. Everything is ready to submit to NMU (they've also received all of my LOR and official transcripts), but have to wait until 12/02 to submit since I'm not applying for early decision.
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