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Everything posted by Benji204

  1. I know people started receiving acceptance letters on Monday, but I don't know if that means they are done with interviews.
  2. Great info and advice, thank you!
  3. Thanks, and you make a great point about getting more clinical experience through a post-doc, which is something I was also considering. Btw, are post-doc experiences considered the same as internships for by employers/licensing boards?
  4. I think right now I'm hoping to work in a school or clinic or other outpatient setting to get experience before starting a private practice. And you're right, I spoke to some of their current advanced students, and it seems many don't apply for APA internships because the school has its own captive program for those who want to stay local. I am starting to lean towards the debt-free option.
  5. Yes, some students have part-time off campus jobs, but it really only helps with living expenses. Also, they unfortunately don't provide many GA/TA opportunities, and any grants would have to come from outside the school. So not many ways to reduce the expense unfortunately.
  6. Do you guys think taking out significant loans ($50,000+) to get this degree is worth it? I'm trying to decide between one doctoral program at a public school that would leave me with no loans, and another doctoral program that I like better because it has a better APA internship match rate and more clinical practicum opportunities, but would put me ~$70,000 in debt.
  7. Anyone else feel like this entire application progress has caused them to shift their priorities and program preferences? I started out with certain programs landing at the top of my pile of schools, and now I realize after going through interviews and having to reflect on my goals and interests, that some programs I thought were a good fit, are not a strong match at all.
  8. I got an interview invite for another program that will be in March ?
  9. Why do you not want to practice law? What aspects of being in a lawyer do you not like, and are you sure you won't encounter those issues working as a psychologist?
  10. Congrats on interviewing with your top choice! Honestly, it's hard to tell if a decent or even great interview will lead to acceptance. Unless you completely bombed the interview, and unless they tell you an answer immediately after, there really is no way to know. I was accepted to a program after an interview where I thought I performed decently but not great. It also all depends on how everyone else did. Good luck!
  11. Congratulations! That's super exciting. Hopefully more good news will be coming along soon.
  12. Does anyone know of schools that have already reached out with final decisions?
  13. They supposedly respond really quick. This is what we were told by current students. Based on past timelines posted here, people have heard back as early as 4 days after interviewing. So, we will likely hear back this week. Did you interview Wednesday or Thursday? I was surprised at how many people were being interviewed for 3-4 spots.
  14. It sounds like a very soft one. I recall someone someone saying they received an invite on Reddit, but I could be wrong.
  15. Each of my interviews were 30 minutes long. One felt like a standard job interview, one felt more conversational, and one felt like a personality assessment.
  16. They've been OK. Each one has been very different. How are interviews going for you?
  17. I don't have experience with group interviews. But I'm curious about what the program told you ahead of time. Did they tell you how many other candidates will be present and about how long it will go, or how you're supposed to answer questions/contribute?
  18. It seems like most invites have gone out. Are people still waiting on PhD programs that had early December deadlines?
  19. Congrats to everyone that have gotten interviews! The waiting game is harder than I expected. Has anyone heard from any of the following programs: Maryland Lehigh Rutgers Syracuse Northeastern U Mass Boston ECU South Carolina Albany Buffalo
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