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Everything posted by healthphd

  1. Yes, that's what I'm also worrying about, which would be killing. Thank you for your advise.
  2. Good for you! I've been offered a GSA position but not sure about the amount yet and also the balance between study and research work for the advisor.
  3. Congrats! Any funding secured? It seems they offer fund mostly in forms of TA/GRA.
  4. Cheers, and thank you for all your responses! Hope we could meet at USC this fall !
  5. Thank you! I wrote to the same guy but no response. I guess it is an implicit rejection for me. Were you interviewed btw?
  6. Congratulations on your acceptance! May I know who you reached out to? I wrote to the public admissions email on their website, but there had been always no reply.
  7. Hi everyone, Has anyone heard from USC health economics program by far? Radio silence after their deadline in mid-Jan. I am also waitlisted at Pitt HPM program, if you have other dominant offers, could you please do us on the waitlist a favor to turn your Pitt offer down? As this is the only potentially fully funded opportunity by now. Thank you.
  8. Do you guys know when do Colorado and UPitt usually release their PhD admission decisions?
  9. Anyone here applied to USC health economics PhD program? Any ideas on their admission timeline or any news so far? Radio silence since submission.
  10. Thank you for your reply. I've heard that they offer new students scholarship to incoming Ph.Ds but mostly not fully funded. Good luck to us on these scholarships!
  11. Hi, thanks for sharing. Yes, I've been in contact with the admission office as well and was told similar information. But I've still been specially notified they usually don't fully fund Ph.D students. It looks like their program is more friendly for students who could work on it for a part-time basis, but it's more ideal for domestic students other than international students. In this way, it looks like a perfect program for you, and congratulations on your admission! Wish we all have good luck for their scholarships.
  12. Hi, any funding information from UTHealth so far? It seems this school doesn't provide full funding for its incoming Ph.D students.
  13. Awesome. In my system it is still waiting for my GRE score. But I think it was recommended but optional, right? Not sure if this led to my application as incomplete.
  14. Congrats! Did you submit GRE?
  15. Hi, did you apply to Brown health economics track too? I applied there, but no news yet by far. Guess it would be a rejections for me.
  16. May I ask which track you applied to? Thanks
  17. No problem, and thank you for your shared details. I submitted the application around Nov 20(Can't remember the exact date). Probably different campus have distinct timeline. Just be patient and good luck with your application!
  18. Hi, I applied to the PhD and received email notifying admission end of December. Btw, do you know well about this program, i.e. career prospects, etc.?
  19. I've received an offer from UTexas Health (HSR in Houston). How do you guys think about this program? Still waiting for other responses.
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